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Printing Ticket Details

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    Printing Ticket Details


    I have just purchased CommitCRM and it is proving to be a great additional to organising my new computer repair shop.

    I want to minimise the amount of paper I am using so that the ticket problem, charges, and details appear on the same printed report.

    How can I accomplish this. I have also not been able to print out contents of the ticket details tab as this is not available in any of the pre-set reports (as far as I know!).

    Your help would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you


    Re: Printing Ticket Details

    Hello Paul,

    Reports that include Ticket details as well as Charge information already exist!

    Try generating the following reports:
    'Technician Service Form with Charges 1'
    'Technician Service Form with Charges 1'

    Both reports can be found under the 'Charges' reports category.

    You can also print them directly from the main Tickets Window. Use the print drop down on the toolbar and select these formats.

    The 'Expanded Ticket Details' report, displays a lot of the Ticket data fields.

    In any case, you can customize any of these reports to include the exact information you need.
    Click here to visit the Report Designer user guide.

    Hope this helps.


      Re: Printing Ticket Details

      I tried (I've tried all the ticket reports) but only the expanded shows the ticket details.

      Can you tell me the correct procedure to log and record information:


      [1] Click New Ticket, enter account, ticket description, asset etc then click ok
      [2] Diagnose the problem, enter this diagnosis into the Details Tab
      [3] Fix the problem (enter in Resolutions tab - isnt this really the same as the details tab as I have been copying and pasting this across).
      [4] Print the charges so the customer has a receipt but there are no details in here.

      Both Technician Service Form with Charges 1 and Technician Service Form with Charges 2 prints the same information.



        Re: Printing Ticket Details


        The procedure you've just described looks valid and makes sense.

        The Technician Service Forms reports have different layouts. You can add more Ticket fields to them by customizing them using the Report Designer and including the information you want displayed.




          Re: Printing Ticket Details

          Thanks, I think I will have to learn how to customise the charges report to include the details also.

