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Email Connector - need to keep original subject line in ticket closure notification

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    Email Connector - need to keep original subject line in ticket closure notification

    I have a fairly large customer that we are support that sends us tickets from Track-It with their own ticket number in the subject line of the email. When CommitCRM generates the initial response to the ticket request it uses the same email subject line & adds the CommitCRM ticket number, which works very well on both ends since they can match their ticket number with our new ticket number. However, the closure ticket does not use the same subject line (only the CommitCRM ticket number), so it becomes much harder for them to process our closure responses and match them to their own ticket ID. Does anyone know how to change this?


    Re: Email Connector - need to keep original subject line in ticket closure notificati


    Thank you for posting this.

    Email alerts, sent to customers automatically on Ticket Close event, use their own Subject and does not use any previously recieved Subject.

    Here's what we recommend that you do:

    1. Use one of the Ticket data fields you do not use regularly to hold the Ticket number as used by your Customer track-it system. Technicians will then need to copy it manually from the original email subject (which is displayed as part of the Ticket Description) into the field you decide to use to hold this value.

    2. The automatic email alerts sent on Ticket closure use standard Ticket Email Templates. Email Templates can embed any Ticket data field into the Email Subject or Body.
    Customize the template to include the Ticket field that holds the other system Ticket # in the template Subject. Then, under Tools > Options > Alerts to Customers, select this Email template to be used on Ticket Close (Then, restart RangerMSPServer service on your server).
    Now, whenever a Ticket is closed the email will automatically be sent to your customer, and it'll include the other system ticket number in the Ticket Subject.

    Hope this helps.



      Re: Email Connector - need to keep original subject line in ticket closure notificati

      Doron: Thanks for the input. This approach is fine - however I have been unable to get CommitCRM actually use the new template. I did copy the existing one, modify it, test it from the email template manager (works fine), marked the new one as active/default, and marked the original one as inactive, started/stopped the server service, etc. However, the system will not actually switch to the updated/new template. Did I miss something in the process?


        Re: Email Connector - need to keep original subject line in ticket closure notificati


        Thank you for the update.

        I believe that there's one step missing:
        The customized template does not necessarily need to be the default email template for Tickets (it's OK if it is though).

        What you should do is to tell the Alerts Server which template to use.
        Go to Tools' > 'Options' > 'Alerts to Customers tab, select this Email template to be used on Ticket Close (the template you've prepared).

        Then, restart RangerMSPServer service on your server.

        I hope this helps.


          Re: Email Connector - need to keep original subject line in ticket closure notificati

          That worked! BTW: It would be a good idea to update the help section to include that last set of information. I may have missed it, but I read it several times but did not see that there.

          Thanks for you help.


            Re: Email Connector - need to keep original subject line in ticket closure notificati

            You are welcome!

            Thank you for the update and documentation tip.

