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markup/discount --

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    markup/discount --

    I've brought this up before, unfortunately we are still hoping for a fix.

    we can markup a product/part by a certain % which then gets multiplied bythe number of units but we are not able to do this with $'s... this is now becomming a serious issue as we continue to grow and do more product transactions!

    why can't we have the markup/discount (either $ or %) apply to the unit price instead of the the unit x price number... it would make things soooooo much easier and make much more sense. if we sell something at $2 and it costs us $1.50, we should be able to put $0.50 in the markup and have it auto calculate the total cost... if one month we sell 113 and the next 159, the system should do the work for us instead of us having to pull out a calculator, punch in 113 x $0.50 $56.50 and enter that into the $ markup value. This creates a ton of work for out bookkeepers and is prone to human error! If there is concern that some folks have gotten use to the way it's been (I would be interested in finding out who has found the current system either easy or error proof) then simply add a toggle check box in the Charges and Contracts option tab to "Apply markup/discount per unit price" (or change the markup/discount drop down lists so that we have "without", "Markup", "Markup per Quantity", "Discount" and "Discount per Quantity". This would most certainly reduce the time users are spending on calculators!

    Also, we should be able to put in negative values in the markup/discount so that we can back units out (credit)...

    thanks --
