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Viewing Tax in CommitCRM

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    Viewing Tax in CommitCRM

    Several tax based questions - possible feature requests:

    [1] When I enter a charge, sometimes I need to adjust the charge value i.e. I have a product item which I manually enter the product price and description. However I always need to calculate the pre-tax value then enter this. It would be great if I could enter the final sale price and the system "knows" the tax value from the final sale price.

    [2] Same applies to creating new Items. Enter the final sale price or rate etc

    [3] Displaying charges shows the charge without tax applied. It would be great if I could see the charge price with tax included. This makes is much quicker to lookup if a customer phones and asks how much they owe etc. Same applies to displaying anything tax / price related throughout the system

    [4] I have modified the Charges1 report to show the following colums in the charges section:

    Date, Description, Qty, Price (before tax), tax, Total (pre tax).

    Sub Total: Pre-tax total
    Tax Amount: tax applied to entire order
    Total: Final cost (including tax).

    This is ok, but confusing as each charge line doesn't display final sale cost, just the pre-tax price. I quote prices to my customers including tax i.e. £24.99 but the charges line reads £21.27 and this confuses some customers.

    Is there a way to display the line with the final sale price (including tax) (an no pre-tax values) and just display tax added to the order int he sub total like I have already.

    I hope this makes sense and I look forward to your response.

    Thank you

    Re: Viewing Tax in RangerMSP


    Thanks for posting this feedback; we’ll do our best to help you out as much as possible; however, keep in mind that the RangerMSP system is a global solution and therefore we provide a more global taxing solution that can usually be customized to different rules in different countries.

    (Bullets 1-2) A reverse tax calculator would be a great idea for RangerMSP, which I’ve created a feature request for, with your vote and comments attached for review by the Product Management Team. Thanks for the feedback. For now, I can offer a mathematical formula that would extract the tax from a tax inclusive price that you can store in the notes field of each of your service items. You may already know how to do this; however, since this is a public forum I’d like to have it documented here. The example I will give you will be based on a 17% tax included into the pre-taxed price of $100. Once you’ve used this formula, you’ll be resented with the tax value itself out of the tax-inclusive price used in the formula. If you store this information in the Item Notes field, you’ll be able to have this information added into your reports. Here’s the formula:

    Formula - <Tax-Inclusive-Price$>*<Tax%>/(100+Tax%) = Tax$

    Example - $117*17/117=$17(tax)

    (Bullet 3) Taxes in RangerMSP are calculated in the charge report automatically, as long as the RangerMSP account and the RangerMSP item both have a matching tax code applied. This is why the Items price is a pre-tax price - it doesn't always applied and it depends on whether the customer you resell the item to should pay taxes, and which. For more information regarding RangerMSP taxes, please click here.

    (Bullet 4) Tax totals in reports are displayed below all of the items and not at the Item line. I logged a feature request for this (i.e. charge level price-including-tax/es field). Thanks.

    Let us know if this helps.




      Re: Viewing Tax in Commit

      thank you. If these features make it in the next release it would make tax much easier and less prone to mistakes.


