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Email Connector subject line trigger removal

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    Email Connector subject line trigger removal

    hi CommitCRM dudes and dudettes,

    I use the Email Connector primarily to send an email to the ticketing address with a custom subject which assigns the email i forward to the appropriate account. for example, if i forward an email to the ticketing address with subject line "CustID:VIANDE" it creates a ticket for account Viande with the body of the email in the ticket description. Great stuff.

    But, it also includes the "CustID:VIANDE" text in the ticket description, so when I am looking at the Open Tickets view to see all open tickets, part of my Description field is taken up with CustID:VIANDE (which is now redundant as the ticket is already created under that account).

    So my little request for a future version is to have the trigger text removed from the description when a ticket is successfully created by the email connector becuase of the trigger text.

    thanks :)


    Re: Email Connector subject line trigger removal

    Hi Natrat,

    Thanks for posting this.
    You raise an interesting point. The subject line is automatically copied into the Ticket description field since the Automated Email Rules feature was originally designed with the purpose of logging MSP alerts as Tickets. These MSP alerts usually kept other important information than the customer identification information in the subject line, so copying it as it is was the best idea at the time.

    I'll add a feature request for this and adding a vote on your behalf. Thanks for the feedback.

    Hope this helps.



      Re: Email Connector subject line trigger removal

      Fair enough. Strange then when you use it in the way I describe that you cannot include *anything* else on the subject line except your trigger text or it won't work at all. I could live with the trigger text staying in the ticket description if i was able to retain the subject line of the email after the trigger text. Support advised this isn't possible though.


        Re: Email Connector subject line trigger removal

        Hi Natrat,

        The way you're suggesting is indeed the way the RangerMSP Email Connector is supposed to work :-) So, you can mix between the problem description and the customer identification texts.
        Have you gone over the instructions in the RangerMSP Knowledge Base regarding this topic?

        There's an example of how to set these types of rules up.

        Hope this helps. Let us know how it goes.



          Re: Email Connector subject line trigger removal

          Yes, and I had a lengthy discussion with CommitCRM support about it after spending a day trying to get the subject line to parse after the trigger text. In the end they said oops actually you can't put anything else on the subject line after the trigger text, despite what the wiki says. If that has changed (since a few months abck) let me know.


            Re: Email Connector subject line trigger removal

            Hi Natrat,

            Thanks for the update.

            It should work now.

            Can you please email us a screenshot of the Automated Email Rules window so that I can reproduce (and hopefully) address this issue to a fashion more to your liking?



              Re: Email Connector subject line trigger removal

              All the info was provided in this old thread

              I dont want to do that all again if nothing has been updated since then, so please confirm changes to the system have been made since our last discussion on this subject (and your suggestion:

              "We'd suggest trying to send the email with the subject line only showing what the CommitCRM Email Connector is looking for, and the rest of the data in the email body. I.e. CustID:BTRNOOSA:"

              and then i'll go send you the same screenshots again, as the system still definately isn't creating a ticket if there is any text at all on the subject line after the trigger text. (am using latest Commit)



                Re: Email Connector subject line trigger removal


                I just tested it myself and it works as described above.

                Your Subject line can include "Server is down. CustID:BTRNOOSA" and a Ticket will be opened for the Account with CustID BTRNOOSA.

                I believe it should be easy for you to test. Try forwarding and email, write some text in the Subject line and then write the CustID... and see how it works.

                In case it will not work for you let us know and we will find what is causing this.


