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commit is unstable under windows 7 --

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    commit is unstable under windows 7 --

    we have been experiencing more and more unstablility of CommitCRM under windows 7 -- every upgrade seems to get worse and worse. Typically the issue is that CommitCRM locks up as "not responding" -- the only way to get it working again is to end the process/task and restart. I have previously sent in the logs for analysys and have been told it has something to do with our network but this is the ONLY program that is having this issue... going against an SBS2008 server.

    curious if others are experiencing the same problems?


    Re: CommitCRM is unstable under windows 7 --

    i also think there is a network issue, only because we run windows 7 on 5 machines (7 pro x64) with CommitCRM server running server 2008 r2 x64... make sure all folder security is setup properly. do you get any errors from the CommitCRM system or are they just locking up? do you have the SQL database server?


      Re: CommitCRM is unstable under windows 7 --

      I've been running on Windows 7 since the first RC was released. I had minor problems at first, but nothing since Win 7 was released. I have noticed, however, that if I lose my network connection for some reason (i.e. server reboots) CommitCRM flips out.


        Re: CommitCRM is unstable under windows 7 --

        I have had no issues at all like you are describing on any of our Win 7 (32 or 64 bit) systems. We are connecting to a SBS 2003 box. Might want to focus on you SBS 2008 setup. Or network :-)


          Re: CommitCRM is unstable under windows 7 --

          We had the same locking up issues under Windows 7 connecting to SBS2008. Support recommended that we change the CommitCRM shortcut to point to the ipaddress instead of the server name. In other words the shortcut would point to \\ipaddress\CommitCRM\Client\CommitCRM.exe instead of \\servername\CommitCRM\Client\CommitCRM.exe.

          Since making the change we have had no issues whatsoever, not a single lockup. We have checked DNS every way possible and can't find anything wrong but if we change it back to using the server name the lockups come right back.


            Re: CommitCRM is unstable under windows 7 --

            That doesnt make any sense to me. If you ever find the cause please post it here. I'm very curious why that would make a difference. I'm assuming your workstations are using a local dns server not the ISPs right?


              Re: CommitCRM is unstable under windows 7 --

              The clients are all hitting the SBS2008 server for DNS. It doesn't make any sense to me either as every other DNS related function works flawlessly. It may not be DNS related at all but that's all I can come up with.

              We tried everything, we adjusted and readjusted power settings on the OS and the NICs for both the server and the clients, we replaced the switch, we gave everyone full control on the share and the file permissions, we set it to run as administrator. We ran the SBS BPA and cleared up the two minor warnings it listed. Nothing we did made any difference until we changed the shortcuts.


                Re: CommitCRM is unstable under windows 7 --

                Might not have any bearing on anything but does your internal domain name match your external name? Or do you use something like domain.local internally and externally?


                  Re: CommitCRM is unstable under windows 7 --

                  What you will find is this is most probably related to your CommitCRM docs dir. We had this problem a lot on our windows 7 network where the CommitCRM docs dir was not configured correctly. IE, we had docs and the other dir going to the same share \\share\ CommitCRM docs\ which caused many freezes within CommitCRM. Once this was changed, the freezing went away.

                  Either way, check your DNS in relation to CommitCRM and it's shared directories.


                    Re: CommitCRM is unstable under windows 7 --

                    hayden, what do you mean change the CommitCRM docs dir? I'm not seeing anything that says pull this out of the default "\\server\CommitCRM\Docs\" folder... besides, I would much rather keep that data within the CommitCRM folder structure (one of the strengths of the program is that everything is stored in the same place allowing for brainless backups and DR)...

                    I agree on the IP/DNS thing (not clear how that could make a difference) but have modified my links just to test...

                    I have also messed around with power/NIC settings until the cows come home with very little to show for it. I think a bit of this might have something to do with how windows 7 caches/syncs (think redirected folder type stuff).

                    another thought is AV... we run trend... I have for the moment exluded the entire (not just the db) CommitCRM folder structure from realtime scans...

                    will keep plugging away and let folks know what I dig up...

                    cheers --


