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Marking Appointments as Done

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    Marking Appointments as Done

    In the beginning, we didn't know you needed to mark appointments on the scheduler as "done". Now, a year later, we have tons of accounts with left-over / annoying old data that really shouldn't be there. Not a major issue, but we like to keep it clean. Two questions:

    1) Is there a way to massively mark all appointments done to catch us up?

    2) By our practice, we track tickets, not appointments (at the end of the day for follow-up that is). I wonder sometimes if the extra chore of marking an appointment as "done" is really useful. Is there a way to disable this? Or have them auto-complete after a certain amount of time? Maybe we're not using this right. What do you suggest?


    Re: Marking Appointments as Done

    Hi Josh,

    Thanks for sending this in.
    There’s no batch option to mark all these Appointments as Done; however, there are methods of making it easier. Taking into consideration that you haven’t been creating History Notes for your Appointments, the automatic creation of the History Note can be canceled from the Tools > Options > Calendar > On Done option (please review screenshot). Once you’ve done that, you can go to Calendar Screen > Appointments tab, first Appointment, and click the [Done] button on the top toolbar in order to mark the appointment as done (in effect, you’ll need to mark each appointment as Done). The only downside to this is that there will be no logged History Notes for these Appointments in the history tab since we canceled the History Note creation.

    Marking the ticket as complete keeps track of a number of things such as Issuing Charges, Logging a ticket Resolution and completing pending appointments and tasks. In addition, once you’ve marked the Ticket as complete, the Ticket automatically gets the Close time inserted so that you can monitor and report on this later on. Using the Completed button in the toolbar makes things a lot easier and ensures that you have your Ticket closing prerequisites; however, the RangerMSP administrator can edit the prerequisites needed for closing a Ticket from the [b]Tools > Tickets (admin) Window, so that you can cancel out the things you don’t incorporate in your workflow.

    Hope this helps.

    Let us know if you have any additional questions.


