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Changing server location

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    Changing server location

    We are moving our server to a new location with new IPs. I know there are several places I've configured with hard-coded IPs or other network specific info. Do you have a check list for completing an IP change/move?

    So far I'm thinking, basic network changes in Windows for NIC/network, but for Commit, SMTP server update and edge gateway port forwarding for web interface. Anything else to ensure a smooth transition?


    Re: Changing server location

    Hi JoshuaB,

    It looks like you covered everything related to IP.

    Usually IP addresses are set for the Web interface in the RangerMSPWebInterface.ini file (unless you used a domain name), the SMTP and POP3 servers IPs (unless you used 'localhost' or '' or domain name) - this can be modified by running ServerConfig.exe utility. And, sometimes the shortcuts to RangerMSP executable file on each workstation on your network are configured using an IP address (unless you configured them using UNC or drive letters) and you'll need to change it to your new RangerMSP server IP.

    Hope this helps,

