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Keeping customers Ticket #

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    Keeping customers Ticket #

    I have 2 major customers that use CA ServiceIT and Magic Help desk. Both customers email the support requests to us with ticket # already assigned. We currently use a spreadsheet so it's not a probelm

    I am evaluating COMMIT software and firstly, would like to maintain the same ticket numbers and secondly,would like to be able to determine status of ticket by the original customer supplied ticket number.


    Re: Keeping customers Ticket #


    Thank you for asking this.

    The main RangerMSP Ticket numbering is 0500-XXXXXX where XXXXXX is a running number from 1000 and up.

    Each new Ticket gets its own Ticket number automatically.
    In other words, in your system this is the leading Ticket number.

    Each Ticket let you store different information.

    Under the Tickets' Details tab, you'll find several fields call Field1, Field2,...

    These are basic custom fields that you can use to store the Ticket number taken from your customers ticketing system. By double clicking the Field1,etc. label, you can even rename it so it'll be called "CA T#" or anything you like.

    You can then right click the Tickets list/table, select Table Options > Add Columns >... and select to add these columns to the Tickets list. This way the other system/s ticket/s number/s will be displayed in the list.

    Now, whenever a customer calls and asks about the status of their Tickets you can easily search for the relevant Ticket in your system by their ticket number.

    For this you can select the search field in the Find drop down and select "CA T#" then enter their system and hit Enter. Done! The Ticket is displayed. Another option to search would be to right click above the list/table of Tickets, select Table Options > Table Search. This method is not a fast but it should work fine.

    I hope this helps.


