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Block of Time - moving into chargeable hours

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    Block of Time - moving into chargeable hours


    Is there a way that CommitCRM can automaticically deduce whether or not a charge is billable or not when using block of time contracts?

    Currently it warns you that the contract has run out of time and the technician can change it to non-billable. However if the charge you are about to bill includes some time that uses the remainder of a contract hours plus some extra more chargeable on that you basically have to create two charges. The technician at that point is going to decide to make it billable or not which is wrong - it should be partially billlable. The technician shouldnt have to decide

    Most of our contracts have a small amount of included hours fopr phone support and it is very dificult to manage. I always felt that CommitCRM needs (like other systems) to be able to part charge, for e.g. work done 2 hours, billable 1.5 hours

    Re: Block of Time - moving into chargeable hours


    Thanks for asking this.

    RangerMSP does separate, in a way, time spent from the time charged, This is implemented by using the Start Time and End Time, which are not necessary reflect the time you select to charge your customer with. For example, you can log 09:00 AM to 10:30 AM in a Charge, while still selecting to charge the customer for 1 hour instead of 1.5 hours. I this case the block balance will be reduced by 1 hour, not 1.5, even though the from/to times do reflect 1.5 hours. Anyway, I understand that this is not 100% what you wanted, but I hope it helps anyway.

    RangerMSP Charges are either Billable or Not Billable. There are defaults for this (a time charge added under a Block of Time Contract defaults to Not Billable as the system assumes that it is covered by the block). When the Block is over the system warns you that the block is over, at this time you can either set the Charge as Billable, or decide to keep it Not Billable if it only slightly exceeds the block. Should you decide to charge customers for an extra time (over the block) you'll need to split the charge that charge into two charges - one that is covered by the block, and another that is not covered and is set to Billable.

    In any case, your comments are noted.


