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report design preview issue

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    report design preview issue


    I design reports a little and whenever I try to preview them by clicking on the Preview tab from the designer it just shows a white page... no fields no titles nothing.

    Anyone else come across this and know why? Or is this a currently known issue?


    Re: report design preview issue

    Hi Project3IT,

    Thank you for asking this. The Preview tab within the designer is there for future use and will not show anything at the moment.
    To preview reports you design with data, logo, etc. you'll need to save the report layout in the designer, close it and generate the report like any other report - just select Preview instead of Print.



      Re: report design preview issue

      It's been over a year now, when might this feature be available?


        Re: report design preview issue

        Unfortunately no. While it would definitely help in %99.99 percent of the time using RangerMSP users are not using this report designer window, therefore we haven't allocated our development resources in this direction...


          Re: report design preview issue

          Commit, what you do you mean when you say users are not using the designer window? Could you elaborate a bit please?


            Re: report design preview issue

            Sure. The preview that has been referred here is the the tab that is accessible when customizing report layouts/formats using the built-in Report Designer.


              Re: report design preview issue

              I meant what did you mean by "users are not using this report designer window". What is it that they are using?


                Re: report design preview issue

                Aha! OK, what we wanted to say is that they do use the report designer but it's not a common task. In other words - you probably spend much more time managing tickets, dispatching etc. than customizing report layouts...


                  Re: report design preview issue

                  Would this require an upgrade or purchasing the reportbuilder pro program? Anything we can edit, patch, or fix? When designing reports it would save a lot of time. It's painful to wiggle stuff around, line it up, exit the designer and run a report, only to close it, open it make changes and repeat....Personally, I've got a lot of design work to do to bring CommitCRM reports in line with the program we are shifting out of.


                    Re: report design preview issue

                    Unfortunately the answer is no. The preview option is available any time you print a report however during design time it's not. The report designer is a very-close-to WYSIWYG editor.

