we need a way to assign a purchase order to a ticket and have that pipe over and fill in the PO box on invoices within quickbooks... are there plans to get that integrated?
Support Team
Re: purchase orders --
We may indeed add the ability to include some more fields in QuickBooks invoices we general.
In the meantime I think that you may consider this: Add a Billable Charge (Zero amount) under the Ticket - for this Charge use an Item call "PO". When adding the Charge simply select this Item and in the description write the relevant PO/s reference/s.
This will then be transferred to the QuickBooks invoice without you need to do anything. So in short this work around means that instead of filling a PO field at the Ticket level click to add a "PO" charge record and it'll populate your QuickBooks invoices.
I hope this helps. Thanks for asking this.
Re: purchase orders --
The issue with doing this is that QB Invoices & CommitCRM tickets are not created on a one to one basis. You can have one or dozens of tickets on a QB Invoice - so in that case, how would QB know which ticket's PO to us?
What we've done to address this, is when there's a PO # involved, we put that as the first line in the ticket. At the end of every month, we mail a report along with QB invoices showing the problem/work requested & the rosolution/work performed, as well as the open/close date, ticket #, etc. These ticket #s can then be cross referenced with the QB #'s on the invoice to see what charges belong where.
If you use PO #'s all the time, you could easily create a custom field called PO # and put that on a report as well.
Re: purchase orders --
that's kind of what we are doing now... we immediatly add an item called INV-REF-PO to each ticket but it does get messy on the back end because we bill tickets as work is done on them (a ticket may be open for 2 months with many charges in it which need to be processed each week) -- this is a work around but it would be nice to some how have the ticket put the PO into the QB invoice... yes, there is the issue that many tickets can reference different PO's and many tickets can be put on a QB invoice... not sure what the fix is. Maybe a checker that requires invoices to be processed on a ticket level IF the PO filed is filled... or maybe add a special/system PO item that gets referenced by each ticket so that we can bundle multiple tickets under the same PO... not sure...
thanks for the feedback...
Re: purchase orders --
any progress in adding a purchase order field to tickets? the manual method implemented above has not been super successful and clients are getting unhappy with us (because we can't track their PO's for work and purchases).
thanks --
Support Team
Re: purchase orders --
Nothing much has changed in this front simply because demand for it has been very low (we're not saying that it isn't important or anything). What we can share here is that we know of users that created an Item called "PO" or "Purchase Order" and add it under the Tickets as a "Charge" (naturally for the amount of zero). This way the PO is listed, possibly first, for every Ticket even when the QuickBooks Invoice includes Charges from several different Tickets. In any case, we've added your current feedback to this request. Thanks.
Re: purchase orders --
It would be a nice feature to have, as I also have to manually massage the QB invoice after creating the invoice.