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text search --

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    text search --

    just discovered this buried in the menu options and love the improvements that have been made in the search... thanks!

    quick suggestions:
    1) text search should be moved out of table options and directly in the right click menu or even more prominently
    2) when searching tickets, it should be able to search notes
    3) need a way to search across tabs... e.g. should be able to search tickets, assets, history, charges, etc. in one shot... not sure how this would work, maybe have this happen from the main accounts window = right click a specific account and do "global text search" or something like that. If we are looking to document items in all these different places, we need a simple way to find it. as it is, we are going to be forced to enter everything in the same place (i.e. notes as non-billable charges) so we can search and find all pertinent information.

    thanks for the improvements thus far though!


    Re: text search --

    Great suggestions. Thank you.

    Glad to hear that you like the new Account Search Options (RangerMSP 5.5).



      Re: text search --

      really discovering that in an account, we need to be able to search across history, notes and charges... we are struggling with how to add technical notes (whether it be in the form of a charge, note and/or history) to tickets then be able to search the entire account for specific text referencing an issue. The improvements so far in the search features are great... now need to extend that across all items in an account (and eventually across accounts as well)



        Re: text search --

        Text search does what I have always expected "Find" to do. I find the the "Find" functions in CommitCRM to be extremely frustrating and for the most part useless. For example, I want to find all my customers who live on a certain street. If I select Address Line 1 and type in just the street name I get nothing back. I've tried wildcards to no avail. In order for "Find" to find anything I have to type it in exactly as it's filled in the field. the problem might very well be that I don't know how to properly use it, or that I don't know the proper wildcards but regardless, the "text search" does exactly what I'd like "find" to do.


          Re: text search --

          anolecomputer. Thank you for your post.

          I believe that the Filter feature is what you're after.
          On every Window, the Accounts for example, you can select the filter button on the toolbar and then click it to configure you filter.

          The Filter window opens where you can define the filtering criteria. For example, you can filter to see all of your customers where their 'Address Line1' field Includes (as the condition) X - where X the street name or a part of it (including a part of a word).

          If required you can add more filtering conditions and click OK. The Accounts list (or any other list) will be filtered according to the criteria.

          Hope this helps.


            Re: text search --

            Are there any variables or wildcards that can be used in the find area through? It would be much more convenient in many cases to be able to use this feature.


              Re: text search --

              Good point. I believe that the "Includes" filtering condition is very similar to a wildcard - for example, when you define the following filter criteria to search for Assets:

              "Asset Name" - "Includes" - "printer"

              The following Asset record will be retuned:

              HP Printer

              Same goes for other search filters (for Accounts, Tickets, etc.)

              Hope this helps.


                Re: text search --

                I don't mean the filter includes field, I mean the find/search keyword field.


                  Re: text search --

                  Got that. Thanks for the clarification.

                  With Accounts search you have this option already.
                  From the "Find" drop down menu on the Accounts window toolbar replace the default 'Keyword/s' search to 'Part of word/s'.



                    Re: text search --

                    Search by keyword is messed up when companies have periods in their name like R. A. Assoc. Dr. Robinson Orthodontist. Searching for Dr. Rob returns no results.


                      Re: text search --

                      In order for the keywords search to work RangerMSP extracts words and several characters (space, dash, period, etc.) are considered as word separators, this is why searching using this type of search for items with periods does not work for you. In these cases you can switch to Company search and type anything.


