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Pre-Sales Questions

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    Pre-Sales Questions

    Hi there,

    1. As part of my standard workflow, staff enter in time which I then review bi-weekly. At that point, I release it to my billing software. Is there a way of doing this inCommitCRM?

    2. All my staff fall into 3 categories, Junior, Intermediate and Senior. Is there a way of assigning staff to a similar structure with an associated pay rate?

    3. My staff have quotas that they have to meet in billable/project work per month. Is there a way of assigning quotas and possibly assigning alerts if they are short of those targets? Or at the least, spit off an automatic report showing me staff utilization?

    4. Since manufacturers constantly discontinue specific models of hardware, right now we handle our inventory using generic terms. We only put in the specifics when we actually create a PO. Staff never know pricing because pricing fluctuates. How robust is the inventory system?

    Re: Pre-Sales Questions

    Hi Michael,

    Please find our answers:

    1. As part of my standard workflow, staff enter in time which I then review bi-weekly. At that point, I release it to my billing software. Is there a way of doing this inRangerMSP?
    Yes. Time Charge (and parts...) records can be logged by technicians and you can review them any time you want. The easier way to review and send to QuickBooks at the same time is by running the New QuickBooks Invoice option in RangerMSP (File > New > QuickBooks Invoice). All open balances will be displayed at the Account, Contract or Ticket level and you can select which Charge records to include.

    2. All my staff fall into 3 categories, Junior, Intermediate and Senior. Is there a way of assigning staff to a similar structure with an associated pay rate?
    Yes. I believe that you have two options here. The first is to simply set a different rate to each of your technicians (this can be set under the Employee tab of a displayed Employee record).
    You can then use Custom Pricing to set different rates for the same employees to different customers.
    The other option you have is not to use an Employee rate, but rather to use a Labor Item Hourly Rate.
    Whenever you log a Charge you need to select the Item.
    You can configure 3 Items with pricing settings that will tell the system to use the hourly rate set for these specific Items instead of the Employee rate.
    You can then configure 3 Items: Junior, Intermediate and Senior (or use any name you like) and set the hourly rate accordingly.
    You can then easily use the Custom Pricing feature I mentioned above, to set different rates for different customers.
    Your technicians should then simply select the correct service Item that represent their level, and you're done.

    3. My staff have quotas that they have to meet in billable/project work per month. Is there a way of assigning quotas and possibly assigning alerts if they are short of those targets? Or at the least, spit off an automatic report showing me staff utilization?
    RangerMSP currently do not support assigning such quotas to technicians. However, all the information in in the system and you can easily generate various Charge reports by Employees. For example, have a look at the "Monthly Hours Summary by Employee" report, it displays totals per each day of the month per each employee.

    4. Since manufacturers constantly discontinue specific models of hardware, right now we handle our inventory using generic terms. We only put in the specifics when we actually create a PO. Staff never know pricing because pricing fluctuates. How robust is the inventory system?
    RangerMSP helps you track the inventory of what each customer has - model, serial number, purchase date, installation date, manufacturer, warranty expiration date, and much more information - all as part of the Assets feature (an overview on this can be found here and the user guide here. RangerMSP does not include inventory tracking in regards to number of pieces you still have, however, when a QuickBooks invoice is generated from RangerMSP it updates the inventory levels of sync inventory Items that were included in the invoice.

    I hope this helps.

