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Merge Ticket

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    Merge Ticket


    I have users sometime email trouble ticket but ended up sending them separately instead of 1 ticket with list of task that they need us to do. Is there a way to merge those tickets into 1 ticket and continue from there?

    Thank You,

    Re: Merge Ticket

    Hi Ankur,

    Thank you for asking this. We've just introduced the Accounts Merge feature in RangerMSP 5.5, merging tickets is still on our list but we can see how it may help.

    The tricky part with Tickets merge is when you're looking at merging two tickets of different Accounts - it's tricky becuase each Account has its own Contract, rates etc. and moving all Charge records from one customer to the other is far from trivial.

    That being said it looks like most duplicate tickets are usually of the same Account. Do you think that a Tickets Merge feature that'll only support merging two Tickets of the same Account will work for you?



      Re: Merge Ticket

      Hi Dina,

      The issue is more that it is from same account but with duplicate ticket. Sometime what happen is that person submit the ticket and then realize that s/he need to provide more infomation. So, s/he would submit another email but not replying to the auto-generated ticket that they received from us but instead creates a new one. So, now we have 2 tickets that are related to each other from same person. That is where I would like to be able to merge them. I believe that the new feature like merging duplicate account is the same way like this. So, is there a way to do that or how would I go about merging those tickets beside deleting the duplicate ticket and manually adding the information to other ticket.

      Thank You,


        Re: Merge Ticket

        Thanks Ankur, It seems like if we'll be implementing a Ticket Merge option for Tickets of the same Account it will help. Thanks for for providing the additional information. We will look at the option to implement it. For now you will need to delete the duplicated ticket manually.



          Re: Merge Ticket

          Thanks and for now we will copy and paste all the info into the original ticket that customer send out in multiple tickets.

          My next question is about the new feature for Quickbooks merge. Can I find out which accounts are not linked to Quickbooks with CommitCRM. Originally when we implemented CommitCRM we had not used the Quickbooks link. Now I want to merge the account but before I do that I want to find out which ones are not linked to quickbooks and remove them. Thanks




            Re: Merge Ticket

            When visiting and Account that you consider merging with another Account, click the QB icon on the toolbar, if you'll see an option to link this Account to QuickBooks then it's not link, if you see an option to update the linked customer record in QuickBooks then it's already link.



              Re: Merge Ticket

              We would also be greatly interested in a merge ticket function but in our case we would need to be able to merge it to different accounts.

              Even more important to us though is the ability to change the account that a ticket is currently setup for. I understand that you can copy a ticket to a new account but that is not a very clean process. It would make much more sense to just allow the account field to be changed and prompt for approval if necessary.



                Re: Merge Ticket

                Comment noted. Thank you.


                  Re: Merge Ticket

                  Quick update:

                  In RangerMSP 5.6 a new Ticket Merge option was introduced which lets you merge tickets reported on the very same issue into a single Ticket.

                  The merge operation copies the data from one Ticket to the other (the Master Ticket) and deletes the redundant Ticket. All data linked to the redundant Ticket will be moved to the Master Ticket. This includes Email Recipients, Charges, History Notes, Appointments, Tasks, Documents and Messages.

                  Note that the Ticket Merge feature only merges two Tickets that belong to the same Account.

                  The Ticket Merge action performs a massive database update transaction that cannot be undone, and therefore should be performed carefully. Only employee users with specific Ticket Merge privilege can perform the Ticket Merge.

                  See more details in Ticket Merge.

                  The Support Team

