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Move Assets

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    Move Assets


    I am trying to determine how to move an asset from one account to another account? (i.e. we have just purchased a laptop from a customer and want to move it from our customer account to our own account).

    I open my customer's account, and there is no options to delete an asset. So I open up the asset and select a new owner from the Account drop down and get the error message.

    Please advise?

    Thank you

    Re: Move Assets

    Assets can be moved from one Account to the other only when the Asset has not service history of any kind.

    Once the Asset was "in-use" with a specific Account you cannot move it. This is because the Asset and its history are considered part of the Account history and moving it will actually mean removing history of the Account.

    What you may do is set the Asset status to "Not Active" and copy it to another Account. All the Asset record details will be copied.



      Re: Move Assets

      Thank you for your fast reply. I just tried this and although I have two identical assets now, one inactive, the other active that I just transferred, the asset code is not transferred. I had to delete it from the original and add it into the new asset copied. I think this is ok but if I can request a feature to allow assets to be transferred between accounts (i.e. automatically mark it inactive, active and transfer the asset code etc) this would be great.


        Re: Move Assets

        Sure! I'll have it logged. Thank you.

