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Inventory/Parts in Quickbooks

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    Inventory/Parts in Quickbooks

    Is there any way to sync up CommitCRM with quickbooks as far as parts/part numbers that are in quickbooks. We use CommitCRM to track labor and quickbooks for inventory/sales. Can we have the same part/item numbers in CommitCRM as we do in quickbooks?

    Re: Inventory/Parts in Quickbooks


    Yes. This is possible :-)

    In case you already have the Part Items in RangerMSP then all you should do is select a Part Item, link it to the parallel Part QuickBooks Item (using the QB icon on the Items list Window toolbar) and you're done.

    In case you don't have any Part Items in RangerMSP, then the best option would probably be to import Part Items from QuickBooks.
    For this select the Import option found under the QB drop down on the Items Window in RangerMSP. Select to import Part Items.
    New Items will then be created in RangerMSP based on the Items in QuickBooks, and the Items in both systems will be linked.
    Note - before mass importing anything, please verify you backup RangerMSP's data prior to the import.
    You can learn more about linkind RangerMSP and QuickBooks Items here.

    Now that the RangerMSP Part Items are linked with the parallel Items in QuickBooks - all Charge records that use Part Items that are sent to the QuickBooks invoice will use the relevant Part Item in QuickBooks in that invoice, and, if the Part Item is an Inventory Item in QuickBooks, the Invoice will update the inventory levels for this Item in QuickBooks.
    You can learn more about importing Items from QuickBooks here.

    Hope this helps.


      Re: Inventory/Parts in Quickbooks

      Thank you for your help Dina. When we sync with quickbooks it shows in CommitCRM under item code the part number-which is correct. Under "name" it shows the same part number. I'm guessing because in the items list in qb "name" is the part number. If I manually change "name" in CommitCRM to the part description and re-sync it reverts back to the part #.
      How can I make the name column in CommitCRM show the description instead of the part #


        Re: Inventory/Parts in Quickbooks

        It works exactly how you described it.

        You can modify the Item Name it RangerMSP and it'll work until you sync again with QuickBooks. This is because when you sync again the data in QuickBooks updates the data in RangerMSP and therefore the Item Name is being modified.

        What may help in this scenario is to use the Item description. Instead of the Description to be automatically copied from the Name manually edit it. This way when the Item is selected for a Charge the Item Description (that can now hold the name) is copied to the Charge description, so technicians do not need to manually enter it when using the Item in Charge records.


