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alert server not sending out alerts

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    alert server not sending out alerts

    it seems like around the time we updated to 5.5 our alerts server just keeps backing up. we then clear out the queue and restart the commitserver service and it works again for a few minutes when testing but it goes back to queueing up again pretty much right after that. any ideas?

    Server 2008 R2, been working for about a year, updated to 5.5 and seems to break alerts server

    Re: alert server not sending out alerts


    We aren't aware of any issues with RangerMSP Alerts Server and version 5.5, nor with 2008 R2.
    Please send us your log files for analysis (use the Help > Technical Support menu in RangerMSP for this).



      Re: alert server not sending out alerts

      Sorry to Hijack this thread but we are also experiencing this issue with CommitServer service but with the email connector.

      The email a customer may send gets stuck in the incoming mailbox until the commitserver service is restarted.

      Once restarted, emails begin to flow again immediately and will then stop again later until the service is restarted again.

      This has only started since Version 5.5, prior to this it has worked well. (Not sure about 5.4 as it wasn't installed for very long)
      I am also using the SQL database if that makes a difference, on Server 2008 32 bit with SP1.
      We can only access CommitCRM via RDP.


        Re: alert server not sending out alerts

        Hi Cordial,

        RangerMSP 5.5 is usually very stable and especially in regards to sending outgoing emails.
        We believe that is has to do something with a local setting/configuration/privileges/etc.

        Please use the Help > Technical Support menu in RangerMSP to send us your log files.
        Once received we'll analyze them and hopefully be able to provide you with the information on what is causing this.



          Re: alert server not sending out alerts

          cordial, what seems to have fixed our problem was to set the commitserver service to "automatic - delayed start" instead of normal automatic start. try that and see if that fixes your issue.

