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QuickBooks - Account Balance in CommitCRM?

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    QuickBooks - Account Balance in CommitCRM?

    CommitCRM Team:

    I would *LOVE* for techs to see QB account balances (of the linked accounts) inCommitCRM. This would be huge for us. Collection has become a bigger and bigger problem in the last year or two. We're charging credit cards in the field on iPhones, but the most common problem is the tech not knowing the previous account balance.

    Is there anyway you can do this? Thank you.

    Thanks for QB 2011 support - we're upgrading soon.
    Thanks also for default Email/Print options when creating invoices in QB - saves extra steps!

    Re: QuickBooks - Account Balance in RangerMSP?

    Thank you for your feedback on the latest enhancements. We're happy to hear that you like them :-)

    The idea of seeing Accounts balances in QuickBooks right from within RangerMSP is interesting. We'll need to check if such options are available with the QuickBooks API and whether this can be implemented (we support about 40 different QuickBooks editions and versions).



      Re: QuickBooks - Account Balance in CommitCRM?

      This is a great idea, and if I remember correctly, one that the QB API does support (but it's been awhile since I looked at it...)


        Re: QuickBooks - Account Balance in CommitCRM?


