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Alerting when due date is reached

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    Alerting when due date is reached

    I'm looking for some way, visually or via email to be alerted when we reach - or are reaching the due date on a ticket. ...Like is there a way to make the ticket turn red in the list or something?

    Re: Alerting when due date is reached


    I don't know how that would work considering CommitCRM does not have a timer function build-in that I'm aware of. Because of that, it would be a challenge to have something based on time.

    I'm looking forward to their response.


      Re: Alerting when due date is reached

      Not sure what you mean by a "timer function". They do track the age of the ticket. They also allow you to enter the due date of the ticket, which you should be able to get alerts if the ticket is not closed by that date... Make sense?


        Re: Alerting when due date is reached


        A Ticket that has a due date/time set and this due date lapses is already displayed in Red in the Tickets list (not the entire line as red text is not readable - but rather the Due Date column text becomes red) so this is a visual alert. We consider our options with email alerts on due tickets but we're not sure yet about this.

        The Tickets list is not auto refresh on a Timer interval, this is done intentionally not to interrupt your current work flow/state with the Tickets window. We do have Timer based features though, including the Timer used for measured time billing. Maybe we can somehow mix these features.



          Re: Alerting when due date is reached

          Yes, I know that the due date in the ticket is displayed in red, but that's of little value, unless you individually visit every ticket and look at the due date. If I had the discipline to do that then we wouldn't be having this discussion! :). Anyway, iit would be great if you guys could come up with something. You also brought up a good usability feature: the ticket list refresh. It would be nice if the system could at least detect if there have been changes and prompt you to do a refresh of the ticket list. I live there, and often don't see a ticket that either someone else or Labtech has created because I haven't refreshed the list. Thanks, looking forward to 5.6! :)

