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'Hiding' Ticket Information

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    'Hiding' Ticket Information

    We are new CommitCRM users, accustomed to recording sensitive information (such as hardware purchasing costs) in each ticket, for accounting and payroll purposes. Unfortunately, there doesn't appear to be any Tabs within Tickets that are NOT available through the Web Portal, i.e. visible to Technicians and/or Customers.
    Is there any way to 'hide' sensitive ticket-specific details, yet still allow Techs and Cutomer access?

    Re: 'Hiding' Ticket Information


    Thank you for posting this.

    Customers see a much less detailed information than technicians, plus, using the new Customer Web Users Privilege Groups you can limit what customers see even further.

    Employees also see information based on their privileges (these affects both when the installed client or the Web portal are being used).
    For example, you can prevent employees from seeing History Notes logged by other employees. This way, if you log an History Note under the Ticket listing the sensitive information you don't want employees, or customers, to see, they won't see it while you will still be able to see it when you look at the Ticket details - whether using the Web interface or the installed RangerMSP client.
    You can learn more about Employee privileges here.


