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100 Employees

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    100 Employees

    Hi, I need CommitCRM so that 100 Employees can use the system. Can CommitCRM handle this and whats it going to cost?

    If the cost is too much what other CRM does people recommend> I am just installing Microsofts CRM but is WAY too much hassle.

    Re: 100 Employees

    Hi pops1000uk,

    Yes, RangerMSP can handle systems with 100 employees or more.

    You will need to acquire licenses for RangerMSP SQL Database (if you don't have it already, in case you do you may need to add some SQL concurrent connections to the database). You will also need to get licenses for those additional employees. We may offer you a volume discount for this (please contact us directly for more details).

    I hope this helps.


      Re: 100 Employees

      can you email me a rough price.


        Re: 100 Employees

        Please send us an email to Support at RangerMSP ... together with a more detailed information about your requirements and we will then be able to reply with the relevant details.



          Re: 100 Employees

          100 employees? Wow, what are you guys doing over there?

          I can't imagine using CommitCRM w/ 100 employees, honestly. it's a great software package, but it lacks the complexity to make it scale well with that many users. It isn't the # of users, but the # of tickets that I think may be problematic for you. Reports take too long to run as it is with 4 users. There is no good way to make sure tickets don't get "lost" (i.e. no escalation or alerting). Those are two of the big problems I think you might have with that # of users.



            Re: 100 Employees

            For what it worth - we do have customers around this size happily using the system... :-)
            Though it is not very common.


