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Mobile Phone Support?

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    Mobile Phone Support?

    I've finally upgraded my trusty old Blackberry to a brand new Android phone.

    The really cool thing about the adroid I can access the CommitCRM web interface and it works pretty well, i am quite impressed with the Droid functionality.

    As good as it is there is room for improvement, maybe an Android app that can improve or streamline CommitCRM functionality?

    Besides an Android module, maybe and iPhone for those people that use that device. The smart phones today are so much better.

    Re: Mobile Phone Support?

    Thanks for your feedback. Android devices are very cool indeed.
    We consider our options with offering some dedicated iPhone/Android features and to optimize the Web interface further for those devices, in any case, have a look at this thread, Jim and his team have developed a very nice module for iPhone, iPad and Android devices using the RangerMSP API.



      Re: Mobile Phone Support?

      It's very expensive though for small/1 man players requiring SQL on the CommitCRM side, a hefty software purchase on Jims side, and a dedicated server with no real way to trial all of the above before buying.

      Also the CommitCRM forum doesnt re-size well in the browser on Android. Most websites will shrink down columns to fit text in the browser but you have to scroll the CommitCRM forums left and right to see all the text. No doubt just the way the forums are coded, makes it awkward reading on the phone though.


        Re: Mobile Phone Support?

        I understand the concern with cost and we have tried to keep the cost as low as possible. As long as you have a windows server, preferably 2008, that can act as a web server with PHP and MySQL running on it then you really don't need a dedicated server. It can also be a virtual server as well... The SQL add-on for CommitCRM is a great add for any size company in my opinion for performance and additional functionality.

        Feel free to email me at with any concerns or questions that I may be able to address for you.

        Best regards,



          Re: Mobile Phone Support?

          Hi Jim, I could live with the cost on all sides if your software could be trialled. I'd be first in the queue. Maybe in the future.


            Re: Mobile Phone Support?

            As long as you have all the necessary pieces in place on the CommitCRM side (SQL & Email Connector) then we would be glad to let you trial it. The full system requirements that need to be met are located on our System Requirements Page

            Best regards,



              Re: Mobile Phone Support?

              That's very generous Jim, thanks. I'd already decided to get the SQL version of CommitCRM and I have Email Connector already so once I've found the time to change the system over at this end and been through the requirements on your side I'll get back in touch.



                Re: Mobile Phone Support?

                I should add, I'm an Android user -is android development at a point where its usable and I can trial it?


                  Re: Mobile Phone Support?

                  Android is one of our top items we are working on. Which Android phone do you use?


                    Re: Mobile Phone Support?

                    It's a HTC Desire.


                      Re: Mobile Phone Support?

                      Jim, question on system requiresments - "Windows Server 2008 or 2003 (32 Bit Edition)

                      I have an SBS2008 server which is underutilised however SBS2008 is 64 bit. Is that a show stopper? do I need to run up a 32 bit server?


                        Re: Mobile Phone Support?

                        Must be Windows Server 32 Bit, we run ours as a VMWare guest and Hyper-V will work as well.


                          Re: Mobile Phone Support?

                          Ok no prob, in case that was the answer I've already run up a Server 2008 32 bit instance under VMWare ESXi. I'll get the other pre-reqs sorted over the next day or so and come back to you.

