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Difference between "Canceled" and "Completed" ticket status under closed?

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    Difference between "Canceled" and "Completed" ticket status under closed?

    Can someone please let me know what the difference between these two closed statuses is?
    I understand what is happening when a ticket is marked "completed" But what is happening when it is marked canceled? Is there anyway to remove this ticket status if it is deemed unnecessary? Can you adjust Privileges to not allow users to classify a ticket in this way?
    Thank You for any help!

    Re: Difference between "Canceled" and "Completed" ticket status under closed?

    CCS Jason,

    Completed Tickets are Tickets you've worked on, spent time on and performed action to resolve. Canceled Tickets are meant for situations when the issue was resolved automatically (or not by you). For example, a customer reports that their Outlook failed to open, you open a new Ticket, 5 minutes later they call and say that they rebooted their PC and Outlook works good now. At this stage you can either Delete the Ticket or Cancel it. I believe that Canceling the Ticket is the better option as it'll will keep track of this issue under the Customer Account while deleting the Ticket won't.
    Both Canceled and Completed are considered as Closed Tickets.

    Hope this makes sense.


