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Interlink Feature / Functionality Requests

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    Interlink Feature / Functionality Requests

    Please post any feature or functionality requests for Interlink as we like to hear what everyone really needs and wants. This will help us prioritize what we improve and add going forward.


    Re: Interlink Feature / Functionality Requests

    How do I link an appointment to a ticket from my iPhone? Typically we have our own internal dispatch team generate, assign and schedule tickets as follows:

    1. A call comes in to dispatch. They review the team members' schedules for an open block of time.
    2. The drag out the required time, creating a new appointment. They indicate the account and contact, then create a new ticket from that same window
    3. That appointment now has a corresponding ticket associated with it.

    At that point, that team member's calendar is updated with the new appointment. When I look at Interlink I don't see any correlation between appointments and tickets.

    If I create a new ticket through Interlink I don't have an option to attach an appointment to that ticket. In other words it wouldn't show up in that user's calendar, but rather only show up an open in their ticket list with no related scheduled time.

    Are we the only folks that view this as an issue.


      Re: Interlink Feature / Functionality Requests

      Let me see what we can come up with... showing tickets in appointments won't be an issue, its the creating a ticket and scheduling it from the iphone that may be a challenge. We could easily set the dispatch flag when creating a ticket from the iphone which the ticket would then show up on the tickets needing dispatching.



        Re: Interlink Feature / Functionality Requests

        I might be missing something but is it not yet possible to create a new account from Interlink? Many of my appointments are made while i am out on the road and if its a new customer I can't see a way to create a ticket under a new account. Seems I have to use full CommitCRM to create the account, then enable interlink and active fields, before i can create a ticket for it. Is this correct?


          Re: Interlink Feature / Functionality Requests

          Good suggestion let me see what we can do on this front.


            Re: Interlink Feature / Functionality Requests

            Ok, after using Interlink for a half week, here's my list:

            Create new accounts.
            Be able to choose the contact on the main account as a contact for a new ticket.
            Autofill the charge descriptions with Commit's default description.
            Edit/view past charges.
            Be able to respond to tickets in the inbox and have your response email show up in the ticket. (that's not terribly important)
            add another chart that shows $'s billed overlayed over tickets completed.
            Be able to filter some ticket types out of a report (labtech created)


              Re: Interlink Feature / Functionality Requests

              I agree with lines 2,3,4 above. 1 (create new accounts) already works.

              i would also like to be able to sort the ticket list in the browser so i could choose that the most recent, not the oldest, are at the top.


                Re: Interlink Feature / Functionality Requests

                Something that we NEED is google apps integration, mainly calendar and tasks


                  Re: Interlink Feature / Functionality Requests

                  Hi sudogreg,

                  You will probably be happy to learn that such an integration is something that we, at RangerMSP, have already actively started to evaluate and "play with". We have received some other requests for this and therefore we will probably provide a solution to.

                  Maybe the [great] guys from Interlink will provide their own feedback on this.



                    Re: Interlink Feature / Functionality Requests

                    As always, we try not to duplicate Commit's effort as we would rather work on areas that enhance CommitCRM. With that said we are readying a feature packed release that will hopefully roll out today or tomorrow. This release focuses on better customer communication, monitoring of incoming tickets to alert on immediate level tickets, ability to monitor and work on tasks in same window as tickets, visual status indicators, client status report, tick age display in list of tickets, color coded priority levels in ticket display, ticket notes and email attachments are now displayed with proper formatting and a lot of other enhancements.

                    I will also post our current "Road Map" in another thread shortly.



                      Re: Interlink Feature / Functionality Requests

                      Hi Jim,

                      did i miss an email or has the next release been delayed?



                        Re: Interlink Feature / Functionality Requests

                        Was slightly delayed but will be released today.

