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Filter Tickets in Web Interface

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    Filter Tickets in Web Interface

    I'm finding that working in the Web Interface is rather cumbersome where tickets are concerned. Not only do I see all open tickets, but I see all closed ones as well. I have customers with pages of tickets, and they're in no particular order (as far as I can tell) so I have to look through them all to find the open ticket I want to work on.
    Is there a way to filter out closed tickets?

    Re: Filter Tickets in Web Interface


    Thank you for posting this. You may know this already - anyway - When clicking the Tickets tab while in the Web interface you have the option to filter Tickets and you can see any Tickets of the following groups:

    'My Open Tickets'
    'My Closed Tickets'
    'My Tickets (open + closed)'
    'All Open Tickets'
    'All Close Tickets''
    'All Employee Tickets in Inbox'
    'All Tickets'

    Plus you have a search option.

    Besides, if you go to a specific Account page and scroll down you'll see the Tickets related to this Account in descending order (latest Ticket first).
    You can click the 'Show More' link just below the Accounts Tickets list (on the right side) and a Tickets pages for this specific Account will be displayed. You can sort this list by Ticket Status.

    Hope this helps.


      Re: Filter Tickets in Web Interface

      In the Tickets tab, the find feature doesn't work right. When I look at my open tickets (default view) I see 6 tickets for a particular account. When I type that account's name in the Find field and click Find, I see 0 tickets. If I type different parts of the account's name in the field, I see different numbers of tickets. It's not just this account, I was just using it as an example.

      Using the ticket list on the Account page is not a good workaround. We have some VERY active accounts where we might have a few tickets that are open for weeks, and dozens of others that get completed quickly. To locate a single open ticket, I have to go to the accounts tab, search for the account, locate and click on the primary contact in the list of ALL the contacts, scroll down to Tickets, click Show more, then click Status so I can see the open ones at the top. Whew! That's a lot of work to locate one ticket.


        Re: Filter Tickets in Web Interface

        Point noted and your comments were logged. Thank you for the clarification.


          Re: Filter Tickets in Web Interface

          It seems FIND only finds on description of the ticket.
          I would like to be able to filter on ticket manager. If I am on the road and need to update an employee's ticket, currently I must display all tickets by clicking 3 or four times to show more records, then sort by ticket manager and scroll, scroll scroll to hunt and find a ticket that needes updated. Any plans in the next release to include some kind of filtering for tickets? It would be most helpful for assets too. The only way I can see using the assets tab is if you are looking for an asset ID


            Re: Filter Tickets in Web Interface

            Hi racassel ,

            Thank you for your post. Searching for Tickets via the Web Interface is indeed not as advanced as the client application, and we may enhance this in the future to include some more options as you mentioned.

            In the meantime, as mentioned above, perhaps you can make the search more efficient by searching for the Ticket in the Account window (if you know who the customer is). In the Account window you can easily see only the Account's Tickets, sorted by creation date, which can make the search much quicker. Also, note that you can access Tickets, Accounts Assets and other entities from the "Go To Recent Items" list, so if you have viewed the ticket/account lately, you can access it quickly.

            Another way to find a Ticket - if the tickets has a scheduled appointment you can open the calendar, open the appointment and click the Ticket to open the Ticket.

            I hope this helps.



              Re: Filter Tickets in Web Interface

              That works good. The default window is the ticket window when you open the portal, so thats where I started searching. Regarding the appointment window, selection to view by manager would be most helpful too, (graphical view). I can work around the limitation in list view.

