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Connectivity Issues - Reaching Out

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    Connectivity Issues - Reaching Out

    Hi CommitCRM Community,

    Just moved CommitCRM to a new server as the other one was past it's prime. The new server has the same name, joined to the same domain. I followed the CommitCRM "move" instructions to a T and setup the shares exactly as they were on the old server. Here is my issue:

    Occasionally, when launching Commit, we get an error that tells us that the permissions for the directory \\<SERVER>\CommitCRM\DB or DBSys are incorrect and won't launch the app. Other times CommitCRM works fine.

    Network card, network cable, etc... are fine, and other applications work just fine via file shares off of this same server. The only difference between this server and the previous server are the fact that we are now using Server 2008 R2 instead of 208 x64.

    This problem is driving me nuts!

    I have disabled DEP, enabled "Public" file sharing and turned off the firewall. Server has a static IP address.
    Austin Speer / Onward Incorporated

    Re: Connectivity Issues - Reaching Out

    Are you using the CommitSQL version?

    Are you having this problem on one workstation or all of them?


      Re: Connectivity Issues - Reaching Out

      Yes, SQL version and problem is on all workstations.

      Austin Speer
      Onward Incorporated


        Re: Connectivity Issues - Reaching Out

        I'm not sure, but it could be related to the fact that the new server has the same name as the old one. Does it have the same IP address as well? If the new address is different from the old one, it could be a DNS problem.


          Re: Connectivity Issues - Reaching Out

          Its not DNS... Server has same name and IP. I have never had a problem like this. Have replaced network cable, switch, network card, etc... No luck.


            Re: Connectivity Issues - Reaching Out

            I know it might be a bit of a hassle depending on how much of the server you have already setup, but why don't you give the server a new name and IP and see if that resolves the issue ?

            It would be a quick test to see if it maybe something else, but I could not offer another suggestion or reason if it works when you change it. Thats just what I would do to see if it resolves the problem.


              Re: Connectivity Issues - Reaching Out

              OK... same issue when name and IP are both changed... Even when files are moved to another server completely. Something must be up with CommitCRM.


                Re: Connectivity Issues - Reaching Out


                I think that some interesting ideas were posted above. Give it a try.

                In addition, and based on the screenshot you sent us by email The error you receive is:
                6624 A WinSock virtual circuit was reset remotely

                Advantage Error Guide

                A remote socket connection was closed by the server. This error will usually be raised by client applications if the server is shut down when clients are still connected.

                Something causes a disconnect - something breaks the connection to the server. Maybe an Anti-Virus, firewall, etc. The socket is closed and therefore the client application cannot run.

                Another thing I can think of, just a thought, is to disable the second network adapter and use just one to the server (in case you have two).

                I believe that RangerMSP has worked for your flawlessly for a long time until you switched server so based on this and the fact that the error message you receive is related to network disconnects we tend to believe the that issue is external to RangerMSP. Yet, we're here to do everything we can to help.

                Let us know how it goes.



                  Re: Connectivity Issues - Reaching Out

                  OK. I installed Windows Server 2008 X64 (NOT R2) and CommitCRM works just fine. So, the issue is with Windows Server 2008 R2. CommitCRM does not appear to work properly on R2. At least I am back up and running.


                    Re: Connectivity Issues - Reaching Out

                    Thanks for the update. Good to hear you managed to make it work with this server.
                    For the record - R2 is supported and we're not aware of any problems with it, we believe it had to be some local issue, yet a hard issue to resolve as it looks like you tried lots of options.


