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Interlink for CommitCRM Released

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    Interlink for CommitCRM Released

    Over a year in the making, thousands of hours of development and testing, great feedback and insight from our beta testers... and now we are proud to announce the release of Interlink for CommitCRM version 1.0. This is no ordinary 1.0 release as we have been using Interlink everyday to run our own PSA Business through-out the development cycle.

    We have added a new feedback option directly within Interlink which will allow users to suggest features they want to see in Interlink and by using crowd sourcing we will be able to determine the features that you want most as other users can vote on which suggestions they like best.

    Special thank you to our beta testers for great feedback and to the staff of CommitCRM for their awesome support along the way!!!

    Visit the online store

    Re: Interlink for CommitCRM Released

    congrats interlink team, this is a much needed system!


      Re: Interlink for RangerMSP Released

      Thank you! We're always happy to help!

      You've done an amazing job and we hear a lot of good things about Interlink for RangerMSP.

      Good luck with 1.0.

      The Support Team


        Re: Interlink for CommitCRM Released

        Interlink for CommitCRM v1.0.1 has been released and is available for download in our member area.

        ***** Completed Improvements Include ****

        1. Windows Phone 7 Support Added (Untested because Windows Phone 7 Emulator doesn't function properly under VMWare Fusion)
        2. Added ability to "View Tickets" page to let engineer filter ticket by due date, priority or date created.
        3. Added visual indicators to the left hand menus in the browser that have sub items under them.
        4. Consolidated report buttons for engineers.
        5. Fixed bug where date was stored when client entered in history note, but time was not stored.
        6. Add an Account Function added to browser and phone versions of Interlink.
        7. Updated browser dashboard to filter out pending tickets from ticket totals.
        8. Implemented fix for IE7 where expandable menu on the left was hidden behind other buttons.
        9. Modified upgrade process to make it part of the administrative area once logged in.
        10. Added ability for client approver to add a ticket into system directly with automatic approval.
        12. Approving clients will automatically be taken to approval page upon login.
        13. Added quick search to client portal.
        14. Fixed bug in counters at the top of the page that excluded tickets put in through CommitCRM that required approval.
        15. Added links to footer to toggle between phone version and full browser version of interlink (Only works on Phones).


          Re: Interlink for CommitCRM Released

          Great work Jim, have just purchased it. will come back with a full review for other CommitCRM users after I've been using it in the field.

