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Deleted tickets & Assets.

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    Deleted tickets & Assets.

    I got 2 individual questions..
    I deleted 3 tickets and now I would like to create a new ticket using the same number from the ones I deleted.. Is there anyway to change the ticket number?

    2nd question is to confirm if we really cant insert more than one asset per ticket? Couldnt do it, and if not possible then is a new feature that can be added on the future..


    Re: Deleted tickets & Assets.

    Hi AndreAU,

    When Tickets are deleted you cannot reuse the Ticket number. The number is automatically set and incremented, you cannot set a specific number to a specific ticket. The reasoning behind this is to keep data integrity and prevent any situation when two or more, completely separated issues are being confused by using the same Ticket number. For example, think of a Ticket that was used, printed, sent to the customer, etc. Then deleted and you create another ticket with the same number - this might cause confusion and trouble... therefore the number is auto incremented.

    Hope this helps.


      Re: Deleted tickets & Assets.

      What about question #2?

      I would also very much like the ability to add multiple systems to a ticket. Doesn't make sense to create separate tickets when documenting that identical maintenance was performed on several different systems.


        Re: Deleted tickets & Assets.

        Thanks ascendnet, I'm not sure how I missed it.

        Anyway, the system is currently designed to support a 1:N connection between an Asset and a Ticket (i.e. one Asset can be selected for many different Tickets, and a Ticket can be linked to a single Asset). The entire service history for each Asset is logged under the Tickets tab in the Assets window. We have a feature request for this already so I'll add your votes. For what it worth, changing the relations to N:N is not trivial at all and has affects on many different areas.



          Re: Deleted tickets & Assets.

          I'm not surprised that it isn't an easy fix. But in order to be able to track changes to a system we must be able to bring up the system and look at the tickets associated with it.

          If we can't have multiple assets on a ticket it the work will still be performed you just wouldn't be able to easily track it.


            Re: Deleted tickets & Assets.

            True. You need to copy the Ticket and change the Asset to point to the next one...
            Thanks for the additional feedback.



              Re: Deleted tickets & Assets.

              I understand the reason for not changing the tickets number. But a backdoor with admin to change the counter would be good. I had to delete some assets associated with tickets that I also deleted. Now I have gaps in the ticket counter.

              Also wanted to ask if you predict having the link to Quickbooks Australia.


                Re: Deleted tickets & Assets.

                Feedback noted.

                QuickBooks Australis is already supported and we have many Australian users using the integration.
                You can learn more about the supported editions here



                  Re: Deleted tickets & Assets.

                  FYI I'm an Australian Quickbooks 2010/2011 user (current version until next month) and the link from CommitCRM works fine except for an issue with GST in Quickbooks ( CommitCRM can't create an invoice in Quickbooks with "Amounts Include Tax" ticked for you so unless you have all your pricing in CommitCRM as ex-GST you need to adjust the amounts it imports into Quickbooks, and even if you have CommitCRM pricing as ex-GST if you want your invoice to show the tax inclusive amount on each line item you have to manually tick that box on every invoice you create).

