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Report Filters

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    Report Filters

    In creating a employee charge report, when using the filters (labor type, expense type, product type) if I try to pick one type, when I generate the report it is completely blank. It will only generate a report if ALL types are checked. I need these filters to differentiate between labor types. Can you tell me how I can make these filter work?

    Re: Report Filters

    Thank you for asking this. The Labor/Expense/Product Types are defined at the Item level. Then, when new Charge records are added the type set to the Item at the time the Charge is being added is copied, behind the scenes, to the Charge record itself. This is good because old Charge records are not affected with future changes to Items - this means that the system keeps the history without altering it (same with prices, if a product price is increased it does not affect previous Charge records with this Product Item selected).

    I guess that the Type has been set to your Items after Charge records have been added. So trying to filter by it doesn't return anything because the Type wasn't not assigned to the Charges as it did not exist at the time.
    In other words, you can only filter Charges by a single specific Item Type after the Type has been set.

    Hope this helps.


      Re: Report Filters

      Here's my problem. We have different labor types that pay different rates to the techs. I need to be able to run a employee charge report seperating these different labor types. The different types are all in the item list.
      Are you saying that if I add different types of labor as we define them, I can't filter by them as they were not added in the very beginning of setting up this program? I run these reports monthly and the particular types I'm trying to filter have been in the item list/type for quite some time.


        Re: Report Filters

        The Item type is copied to the Charge record when the Charge is added, and only in case a Type is assigned to the Item at the time that Charge record is added.

        So if the chronological order was - you configured Items, then assign them with Types and only then added Charge records you should be able to filter the list of Charges by a specific Item Type. Please note that here I refer to filtering it by a single Item Type, with our next release (5.6) selecting multiple Item Types when filtering Charge based report will also work.



          Re: Report Filters

          So basically I can only filter a single item at a time. In other words I can't uncheck one type of labor so that it doesnt show on a report.


            Re: Report Filters

            You are correct. You can select All or just a Single type. With our next release you will be able to select specific types.

            Hope this helps.

