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Interlink 1.0.4 Released

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    Interlink 1.0.4 Released

    We are please to announce the availability of Interlink 1.0.4 for CommitCRM. Please login to the Interlink member area at to download the release files. As always, thanks to everyone for their great feedback and suggestions!

    Items addressed in this release.
    • Modified some buttons names to make them a little more clear
    • Made it so that you can click on sub item under contract and view the ticket information.
    • Made it so that a client cannot change their user level and lock themselves out if they are the administrator.
    • Made it so that an internal administrator could no longer demote themselves which would lock them out of the admin settings in Interlink.
    • Added contract names to contract information report.
    • Added the ability to edit charges that have not been billed yet.
    • Added ability to view bonus ineligible charges and modify them and attach a ticket to make them bonus eligible.
    • Added ticket number with link to ticket search page to My Hours Page sub items.
    • Added edit charge to My Hours Page sub items.
    • Added "My Charges" to sales login.
    • Added "Ticket Queues" to sales login.
    • Added language file to client ticket submission login.
    • Added language file to client ticket submission form.
    • Defaulted managed services dates to first day of previous month till last day of previous month.
    • Added execution timer to the footer of each page.
    • Added knowledge base page to show and let users search KB Articles.
    • Rearranged left hand menu
    • Created quick menu at the top for adding new items.
    • Added popup message to account screen to mimic popup in CommitCRM for special alert messages.
    • Added more account information to the account screen including all phone, fax and primary contact information.
    • Fixed bug in individual user year over year report where if they started after the 1st month of the year it still started their totals in January.
    • Added System Generated to notes under tickets.
    • Break down of contract hours used.
    • Added asset to iPhone new ticket input
    • Added asset to iPad / Browser ticket input
    • Changed query for looking up KB Articles to make it ignore case and search for upper and lower case regardless of user input.
    • Added ticket printout screen that allows you to print out the ticket details for the client to sign and approve while on site.
    • Added ability to add and edit contacts on accounts.
    • Added ability to view and search all open tickets (** WARNING ** CAN BE VERY SERVER INTENSIVE)
    • Added location to asset screen.
    • Modified asset screen so that the information stays on the screen after submitting changes.
    • Fixed bug in email message that showed escape characters on email messages.
    • Modified footer to correct https link for footer images.
    • Completed client technician interface allowing client to have internal IT and manage their own tickets as long as you have a CommitCRM license for them.
    • Trimmed extra spaces in contact fields on intake form.
    • Made it so ticket sub menu opens as you switch between items instead of closing and having to reopen the next sub item.
    • Added add a new ticket button to sales and accounting.
    • Gave sales users access to reporting.
    • Made it so mileage start pulls into mileage fields on phone automatically.
    • Changes some verbiage on certain pages that some users reported as confusing.
    • Took out reassign on tasks since it is not supported by the CommitCRM API and was causing an error.
    • Added default item descriptions to ticket search page, add a new ticket page and phone ticket pages.
    • Fixed bug in client technician where history note would give error based on invalid contact.
    • Pulled out primary contact from contact lists for clients because they are not contacts in CommitCRM so they cause failures when submitting items.
    • Remember destination link added so that if you aren't logged in, it will redirect you to the original destination URL upon successful login.
    • Added Accounts screen allowing viewing of the account details.
    • Added Account Contacts that will allow users to view contacts under an account and the individual contact details.
    • Added Account Assets that will allow users to view assets under an account and the individual asset details.
    • Added QRCODE capabilities for assets that allows you to view asset from CommitCRM by scanning the asset QRCODE sticker.
    • Added a Billable Hour Display at the top of each internal user's page to show them how many billable and non billable hours they have accumulated for the day.
    • Added footer to each history note showing user that submitted it.
    • When status is changed in Interlink, a new history note is created showing who changed the status.
    • Fixed bug where special characters would cause error when used in description on phone and browser billing submission.
    • Fixed bug where choosing an about would cause an error on longer items in the about list.
    • Fixed bug where user could submit a note on a closed ticket causing an error.
    • Moved ticket buttons above ticket work fields since some of them were longer causing the user to have to scroll down the page to change their current function.
    • Added project button to the left that will pull in any contracts starting with PRO and all related tickets and the contract information into a single page where tickets can be managed.
    • Ability to add a new asset through the browser.
    • Ability to add a new asset through the phone.
    • Fixed bug in reports that showed data in the wrong month if there was not a full 12 months of data.
    • Fixed dollars showing on report instead of currency setting entered in on the settings page.
    • Added ability to edit current assets.
    • Added ability to add a QRCode you lookup to a new or existing asset that doesn't have an asset code.
    • Added new asset functions to phone version of Interlink.
    • Added support for Fluid Browser to show billable hours for the day in the dock on OSX.
    • Added account button to sales and accounting users.
    • Added report showing your billable, non billable and total hours for the last 30 calendar days.
    • Added sub items for new hourly report showing breakdown of hours for the day and what charges are included in the totals.
    • Fixed bug where if you picked a client IT user account to take over you couldn't see their My Tickets button.
    • Fixed bug where it would give an error when adding a new task under a ticket, but still add the task.