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Your #1 feature request

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    Your #1 feature request

    Mine would have to be:

    SLAs: SLAs for tickets. For the ticket to change color when SLAs are not being met (closed). Or if a ticket has had no contact within a specific amount of time.


    *** Quick Update from the Support team ***

    In version 6.0 a new Service-Level Agreements (SLA) Support was introduced.

    When using SLAs in RangerMSP you "teach" RangerMSP the maximum response times agreed with the customer to handle and resolve different problems, and RangerMSP will do the rest.

    See more details in SLA.

    Click to learn What's New in version 6.0.

    The Support Team

    Re: Your #1 feature request

    Mine would probably be an improved web interface that copes better with mobile phones.

    *** Quick Update from the Support team ***

    In version 6.0 a new Web design for Mobile Devices was introduced. The Web Interface is now optimized for mobile devices with small displays. The Web interface has gone through a complete redesign to properly support mobile devices and small screens.

    See more details in What's New in version 6.0.

    The Support Team


      Re: Your #1 feature request

      Sla's (including email notification)
      Quoting module (generate quotes directly from CommitCRM)
      Some visual indicator that automatically refreshes when there are new tickets in the inbox
      A better web interface

      That's my top 4... :)

      *** Quick Update from the Support team ***

      1. In version 6.0 a new Service-Level Agreements (SLA) Support was introduced.
      When using SLAs in RangerMSP you "teach" RangerMSP the maximum response times agreed with the customer to handle and resolve different problems, and RangerMSP will do the rest.
      See more details in SLA.

      2. RangerMSP also includes now a new Quoting module. See more details in See more details in Quotes.

      3. In version 6.0 a new Web design for Mobile Devices was introduced. The RangerMSP Web Interface is now optimized for mobile devices with small displays. The Web interface has gone through a complete redesign to properly support mobile devices and small screens.

      Click to learn What's New in version 6.0.

      The Support Team


        Re: Your #1 feature request

        SLAs would probably be my number 1 too.
        Quoting would be nice, but we're making do with just using tickets to track things.
        Web interface for phones would also be nice, but I think there is a third party option for this.
        Auto-refresh would be good, but on a screen in our office I've successfully used AutoHotKey to refresh the web interface every 60 seconds.


        *** Support Team Update ***
        See post above, many of the features requested were already provided in recent versions. Thank you for letting us know how to improve RangerMSP.


          Re: Your #1 feature request

          Contract improvements for me. The current features in the contracts do not work with how we do business. We are an MSP and need to be able to have everything defined by the customers contract so the technician's do not have to change anything related to charges or billing. I'm sure we are losing money because we have to rely on the tech for this currently.


            Re: Your #1 feature request

            Yes, better MSP contracts would be ideal. For instance, I wish I could set a contract that would ALWAYS set "products" as billable (and not decrease the value of the "block of money"). Right now, we have to remember to make sure the products go under the "global-system" contract, or else we don't get paid for the parts.


              Re: Your #1 feature request

              That's the problem that we have with the contracts in an MSP environment. The other part is that not all labor services are included in their contract. We have custom pricing setup with a zero dollar amount for the ones that are included but if a labor charge for something that should not be included is added to a ticket it is marked as not billable, which is incorrect, it should be billable. I know the answer has been that the tech should just put a check mark on the billable option when adding the charge but the tech shouldn't be messing with the billing options that should come from the contract. If the tech is required to get involved with changing the billing we can be guaranteed to lose money for it being done wrong.


                Re: Your #1 feature request

                Ok, so how is CommitCRM supposed to know if the given labor item is billable or not? Are you saying you have a bunch of different labor items setup, some of which are billable under the contract, and some aren't?

                ...Also, if you are setting the labor rate as $0, how do you report on profitability against the given block of money (or any type of contract for that matter)?

                Do all of your techs know what's covered under the contract, and what is not?


                  Re: Your #1 feature request

                  Just thought of another one I'd like to see:

                  A better report editor. The current one is just too cumbersome.


                    Re: Your #1 feature request

                    Yes, a better report editor would get a lot of votes from me too. The current edit has no support for charts/graphs and user created calculated fields. I find myself turning to Access to create reports because I can't query the right tables, etc or do the right calculations.

                    For example, it used to take an hour or so every month to do end of month invoice reports. Why? because I couldn't make a report that would work the way I needed it to, so we had it to do it one by one. NOW, I have designed an Access DB, that will print them all out in less than 30 seconds. I should be able to do that inCommitCRM.

                    There has to be a better report designer that could be built intoCommitCRM. Even if wasn't perfect, just better would be nice. :)

                    ANOTHER item on my top feature list would be a Outlook calendar sync service that would run on the server instead of on individual workstations.


                      Re: Your #1 feature request

                      Exchange sync would be very welcome. Also the ability to sync calendars to public folders. I asked for this few years ago though. It's probably out dated now as public folders will be removed in the next version most probably.


                        Re: Your #1 feature request

                        Sorry I did not see a thread for general feature requests. but I would like to see an indicator on the dispatcher that a task has charges against it. similar to the checkmark when it is flagged as done. but maybe a C to show a charge exists.

                        Thx for considering it.

