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Outlook toolbar

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    Outlook toolbar

    I'm thinking about hiring a developer to create an Outlook toolbar in that interfaces with the CommitCRM software (using their API).

    If I would do that, I may offer it to the community (maybe at a low cost) to offset development costs and to help out everyone.

    That being said, how much interest is there in such a tool, and what would you want it to do?

    My short list is:
    - Create a new Account from an email address
    - Create an Account contact from an email address
    - Create a ticket from the body of an email (figure out the account based on the email "from" address, or create a new account)
    - Create a new opportunity from an email
    - Copy an email into an existing Account / Ticket's documents directory
    - Create a new appointment on an existing ticket

    Any other thoughts on this?

    Re: Outlook toolbar

    I think this is a great idea, and I would definately purchase!

    It would be nice to have the ability to add an email to an existing ticket along with the other features that you suggested.

    Austin Speer
    Onward Incorporated


      Re: Outlook toolbar

      I'd also be interested in something like this.


        Re: Outlook toolbar

        Count me in as well. A great idea. I would be happy to pay for such a tool.


          Re: Outlook toolbar

          I would chip in US$100 to assist with development.


            Re: Outlook toolbar

            Have you started the project? I would be interested too.


              Re: Outlook toolbar

              Awesome, glad to see there's some interest. It's getting close to being finished. I'll update here when it's complete!


                Re: Outlook toolbar

                Sounds like a good idea.


                  Re: Outlook toolbar

                  We would be very interested, contact us if you go ahead with this project.


                    Re: Outlook toolbar

                    Yes, the project is being developed now. I actually have a working prototype that I use on my machine, but it isn't quite ready for prime time yet. I'll update when it is!



                      Re: Outlook toolbar

                      Luke when its done, im intrested!

                      For now i got a work-around.

                      1. Create a pop3 account
                      2. Setup the email connector to collect mail from pop3 account
                      3. Setup a imap account in Outlook (with settings pop3 account)
                      4. Drag / Copy your incoming mail into the imap account
                      5. You got a ticket and need to work :)

                      Hope this helps.



                        Re: Outlook toolbar

                        That's a crafty work around. Why didn't I think of that. :D


                          Re: Outlook toolbar

                          Ill throw a few hundred dollars towards development if needed. This is something I want on all of our office computers!

                          Austin Speer
                          Onward ITC


                            Re: Outlook toolbar

                            Thanks Austin - it's getting close, but that's what it felt like a month ago too, lol. Actually, I'm using it now, it just doesn't do everything I want it to yet.


                              Re: Outlook toolbar

                              Keep us in the loop!

