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Report Naming

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    Report Naming


    I have created a custom report based on "Technician Service Form Including Charges" under the "Charges" Section. This report appears on the list of reports available when in Ticket List view. However, if I rename the report, depending on what name I choose, the report is either available on the print and preview dropdown, or not. The moment I include the words "file" or "print" in the report name, the report does not appear in the dropdown list.

    Am I going mad?

    Also, is there a way of controlling what reports appear in the dropdown lists, so users are presented with only the reports we actually use?



    Re: Report Naming

    Hi Lawrence,

    No, you are not going mad :-)
    The words "Form" or "Details" should be included in order for it to be displayed in the Reports available from the Tickets Window.

    This has changed in our coming RangerMSP 5.6 release - with this release you can control exactly which reports appear on the drop down list and which are not regardless of their name...

    Hope this helps.


      Re: Report Naming

      Thanks Dina, that works. Another funny - whenever I change the report name, I need to go and re-select any asset based data fields in the report designer - they seem to lose their definitions!

      Also, is there no ways we can include history in these reports? It seems some can do ticket details with charges, and not history, and some can do history, but not charges...


        Re: Report Naming

        The 'Expanded Ticket Details' report include both history and charges information, however, it's not meant for "billing" purposes but to get a complete overview re the Ticket.



          Re: Report Naming


          Thats exactly what we want to do - print a 1 page report for filing that summarizes the ticket detail, but the expanded ticket report does not cover asset fields, so the report leaves you in the dark about what equipment was worked on!!



            Re: Report Naming

            Hi Dina,

            A few weeks ago you said:
            "This has changed in our coming CommitCRM 5.6 release - with this release you can control exactly which reports appear on the drop down list and which are not regardless of their name..."

            I am now running the 5.6 beta. Where do I select which reports are available?



              Re: Report Naming

              Hi Lawrence,

              Indeed, with version 5.6 of RangerMSP you can now easily define which Ticket reports will be listed in the Ticket window for printing. This also allows you to remove system reports you do not use from the list of available reports.

              To configure each report, go to the Reports window and for relevant reports use the Report > Make report available from Tickets window or Report > Remove from available reports in Tickets Window option.

              Hope this helps.

