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Task Vs Appointment & Appointment Workflow

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    Task Vs Appointment & Appointment Workflow

    This sounds like a stupid question, but what is the difference between a task and an appointment, and where should they both be used?

    ...Also, after an "appointment" is complete, is it necessary to mark it as "done" in the calendar? What is the best workflow for scheduling appointments, and then for techs to complete that appointment?

    Re: Task Vs Appointment & Appointment Workflow

    Thank you for asking.

    Please find some differences:

    Appointments have Start/End Times, while Tasks on have a single Time field.

    Appointments always appear on the graphic Calendar views, while Tasks only appear in Lists.

    When a Task is DONE it is removed completely and the summary of the Done Task is logged, unless the feature is disable, as an History Note under the Account.

    A DONE Appointment is not removed from the Calendar.

    The Pending tab - of an Account, Ticket etc. will list all Tasks and Appointments that are not Done yet.
    When a Task is Done - it is removed from the Pending tab (and is listed under the History tab).
    The same goes for Appointments, so one of the reasons to Done Appointments is to have them removed from the Pending tab. This way the Pending tab always shows the open items and not completed ones.

    Both Appointments and Tasks can be Done from the Pending tab (using the Done button at the bottom of the tab), or from their Details window when being double clicked.

    Appointments can be synced with Outlook Calendar.
    Tasks can be synced with Outlook Tasks.

    Hope this helps.


      Re: Task Vs Appointment & Appointment Workflow

      Awesome, exactly the breakdown that I was looking for - thanks.

