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    I am struggling with the user defined fields in CommitCRM. If I create a user defined field at the account level, field 1, 2, 3 or 4, and try to run a report filtering by one of those fields it defaults to "all" and will NOT let me choose to filter by a field. Even if I try to copy and create a custom report it will not let me filter by these fields.
    What can I do to make these filters work like they're supposed to.

    Re: Filtering

    I'm not sure I'm 100% following you here so I will try to provide useful information:

    All predefined custom fields (field1,2...) are listed and available when filtering the records.
    When you select the field from the drop down it does defaults to (ALL), but you can click the magnifying glass and select the values you want to filter by (as ALL simply means that any value is valid which results in not filtering any record).

    For example, if you store in Field1 one of the optional values X, Y or Z, and you want to filter to only see Accounts with Field1=Y you should specifically change 'All' to 'Y' and only Accounts records with Field1=Y values will return.

    I hope this makes sense.


      Re: Filtering

      That is exactly what I'm trying to do. And although the choice in the drop down is there, it will let me check it but when I do it still shows "all". Even in the expanded filter. This is in the "accounts report". So, what am I doing wrong. We need to be able to use this filtering option.
      By the way, we're using 5.3.


        Re: Filtering

        My mistake...we're using 5.4


          Re: Filtering

          In case you only have one value in the drop down this may explain why selecting it displays 'All' (as even a single value is still the entire list).

          What you can do is instead of selecting the value from the list, type it in the field (where 'All' is displayed). This should force the filter to run.

          Hope this helps.


            Re: Filtering

            On another subject is there a way to attach a ticket to an EXISTING invoice in quickbooks?


              Re: Filtering

              You can link Charge records to existing QuickBooks Invoices you created using RangerMSP. For this select the Charge record in the main list of Charges and from the drop down menu displayed when clicking the QB icon on the toolbar select 'Link to Existing Invoice in QuickBooks'.

