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Assistant field --

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    Assistant field --

    is there a way to modify the Assistant field in Accounts so that it draws from the employee pick list? we really need a way to assign a sr. level account manager to each account so that we can do better workflow... would be really nice if this were on the General tab.

    thanks --


    Re: Assistant field --

    Thanks ray. It's not a pick-list type of field on purpose. This is in order to free you from the need to obtain additional licenses for admin stuff. In any case, you can use the field and tabs customization options in RangerMSP and add an Employee selection custom field.



      Re: Assistant field --

      we would GLADLY pay for additional license (in fact we already have) in order to get better workflow processes. That said, I didn't realize we had this much control over tabs and fields (nice!)... will look closer into it... what are the negative implications on modifying CommitCRM in this fashion?



        Re: Assistant field --

        Custom fields of many types can be added to Accounts, Tickets, Assets, Sales Opportunities, etc. This allows you to really adjust the data you want to store for each type of object to your needs. Custom fields and tabs will not break your system and you will easily be able to upgrade to next releases keeping all fields in place.
        System fields are sometimes available and accessible in other modules as the system "knows" them, however, in most cases this is not required with custom fields.

        We do recommend planning. Download a trial copy of RangerMSP, install it on a stand alone PC and play with field customizations. Once you know what your requirements are backup you live RangerMSP system and apply the customizations while no one is using RangerMSP and all services, etc. are stopped.



          Re: Assistant field --

          I guess what I'm concerned about is functionality moving forward. I know it's just a matter of time before we can mark fields as required (this REALLY needs to be added soon) and what about integration with things like the web interface, linking fields to QB, etc.

          thanks --



            Re: Assistant field --

            Custom fields are displayed in the Web interface (cannot be edited). Think of Custom fields as a powerful way to extend that content of your main entity records in RangerMSP. Like, instead of storing information in a single Notes/Memo field, the data is structured. You can then filter the entity reports by those fields and even the online list displayed within the different windows.



              Re: Assistant field --

              looks like we can only add custom fields to new tabs... is that correct? really want to add one (and remove the "assistant" field) to the general tab...



                Re: Assistant field --

                Right, no custom fields on "system" tabs.


                  Re: Assistant field --

                  Correct, however, you can add System fields to Custom tabs.


                    Re: Assistant field --

                    well then we REALLY need the ability to mark certain fields as required then... having data distributed across tabs and expecting employees to remember what boxes need to be filled in is simply not going to be a successful formula.

                    thanks --



                      Re: Assistant field --

                      I agree. Nobody remembers to look for obscure tabs all over the place. if you could mark it required, then atleast they would know to go look for it.

