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copy or moving charges to different tickets or accounts resets price --

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    copy or moving charges to different tickets or accounts resets price --

    is there a way to get charges to retain all the information (including the price) when copying or moving to different ticket/account to not reset? This is super-crazy annoying!!! instead of us being able to quickly copy an item from one ticket to another, we have to go back into each charge and re-assign a bunch of stuff (which allows for potential user error). I know the response is going to be something along the lines that CommitCRM needs to reset these items so that it can apply custom charges but that would be the exception, not the rule! at the very least, have a pop-up window that gives us the option to copy verbatim or reset values as they currently do.

    thanks --


    Re: copy or moving charges to different tickets or accounts resets price --

    I guess you know all answers :-)

    Changing the Account or Contract or Ticket (that has another Contract assigned to it) does may indeed apply different new rates as prices as set to the select customer, if configured.

    If custom-prices are exception in your case where most pay the same rates and prices then changing the Account/Contract/Ticket will have no affect. Only if you manage custom prices manually at the Charge level only then you may see price/rate changes as per the selected Account/Contract/Ticket.

    We believe this makes sense though your have mentioned that in your case it's the exception, not the rule.

    Idea noted.



      Re: copy or moving charges to different tickets or accounts resets price --

      >> Only if you manage custom prices manually at the Charge level...

      this is exactly how we do it... most of our items are preset with a zero price because we use very generic items (e.g. INV-laptop, INV-drive, INV-memory, etc.)... what we need is a simple pop up when changing the Account/contract/Ticket for the charge that says "reset varilable fields: yes / no". This would also allow us to set up a basic inventory system where we could add an item to a special "stock" Account and copy the items quickly to tickets for billing. As it stands, it's so painful to move a charge around that we aviod it as much as we can...

      thanks --


