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New RangerMSP 5.6 Release!

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    New RangerMSP 5.6 Release!

    Hi All,

    We're very excited to inform you that a new version of RangerMSP has just been released!

    The development of RangerMSP 5.6 has been a labor of love and is loaded with many new features and enhancements. From all of the feedback we have received so far, we have been told that this new version of RangerMSP is great. And now, RangerMSP 5.6 is ready and available for download!

    RangerMSP 5.6 includes many new features that have been requested by the RangerMSP user community. Among its new additions are: an enhanced integration with QuickBooks that enables the creation of hundreds of invoices with just a few clicks, a Ticket Merge feature that merges two Tickets on the same issue into a single Ticket, an Online Search Window to expedite problem solving, a Statistics Board to bring you powerful statistical and summary information to help you manage your company, a simplified API for easier custom integrations, a new Preview tab from which you can view the entire history of an Account, Ticket or Asset in one rich-view format, an exciting optional integration with QuoteWerks that enables you to generate and manage quotes using Aspire Technology, Inc.'s leading quoting software from within RangerMSP, an optional new and bidirectional integration with Zenith, a leading RMM tool developed by Zenith Infotech Ltd., that enables you to manage all RMM tickets, Assets and Account information formally managed in Zenith from within RangerMSP, and much more.

    The new and powerful additions to RangerMSP 5.6 are a direct result of the great feedback and ideas we’ve received from you, our community members. Thank you for contributing to the growth of our product and our company. We appreciate all of your feedback and support!

    ==> Click here for a complete list of new features and upgrade instructions.

    We hope you enjoy the new version!


    The Support Team