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Report Filters

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    Report Filters

    We just upgraded to your newest version and I was told that with this version the report filters would work. I still cannot filter a report by employee or labor type. I would like to be able to filter employee charge reports by labor type, as we have several different labor types. How can I make this work

    Re: Report Filters

    lwilson, first,reports filters do work, including filtering most Charge reports by Employees and by the Labor Type. Can you please be more specific about what exactly does not work for you?



      Re: Report Filters

      For example: Employee Charge reports: I choose the date range of the report, go to employee, clear all, select a single employee, go to labor type, clear all, select a certain labor type. When I preview this it is blank. If I select all labor types it will run a report.


        Re: Report Filters

        Thanks for the additional info. I've just tested it and all seems to be working well here.
        Please open the main Charges list window, select the same employee/s in the upper filter panel, sate the same date range and review the Item Type set for the Charges to verify that the very same values exist, otherwise the report filtering result will indeed be empty (i.e. no results when filtering by thisItem Type).


          Re: Report Filters

          These "item types" were not set up correctly in the beginning. Now that I've corrected these types is there any way to have past charges show up or will it only take effect from this point on.


            Re: Report Filters

            Aha! That explains it. When modifying Item types, prices, rates, descriptions, etc. these changes do not affect any previous Charge record logged into RangerMSP, it only affects new ones entered. This helps in preventing "rewriting the history". This all means that all data will be accurate from the date it was organized an on.

            I hope this helps.


              Re: Report Filters

              OK -- we've been using CommitCRM for about 4 - 5 years and we are JUST getting down to assigning custom types... (I know... it took us long enough!).

              Anyhow, we would like to get the type flags to re-apply to all past charges, or at least for just this year... is there a (safe/easy) way to force the current type list (and only the type field, we obviously do not want any other changes to be applied to past charges) to previous charges?




                Re: Report Filters

                Any Item Type change affects from the time of change an on. There is no way to have history Charges modified with such a change.


                  Re: Report Filters

                  how about exporting the data, making the changes then re-importing... it's a database... there has to be a way to update a specific field without changing other fields (especially on as non-linked as the type filed).




                    Re: Report Filters

                    The only way I see to achieve this is by using the RangerMSP API and develop a program that update the Charge Item, save, update it again to the original one.


                      Re: Report Filters

                      ...or allow us to edit the DB w/ ODBC... Then it would be simple to make a query to update specific fields.


                        Re: Report Filters

                        In theory this would work - but - never never never use ODBC for insert/update/delete operations. The database is constructed of many tables and some link to each other and updates should occur in more than one place within a transaction etc. Always use the API for such operations.

