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Best Practice - Maintaining SLAs in CommitCRM (Workaround)

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    Best Practice - Maintaining SLAs in CommitCRM (Workaround)

    We are currently in the process of bringing on our first few truly flat-rate MSP agreements to some of our A clients. As such, they will give us some leeway in working the kinks out of our offering.

    As of version 5.6, CommitCRM does not yet specifically support workflow rules for Service Level Agreements (SLAs). Yet however, our agreements do indicate that we will maintain certain response times based on the severity of the issue reported. I'm currently finding a hard time finding the best way of staying on top of these SLAs (with or without Commit) and I was hoping that the community might have suggestions so we can all learn from each other, and together improve our businesses.

    Here is my list of initial questions to jumpstart this topic:

    1. How are you maintaining your SLAs and ensuring that your techs are responding per-SLA and items aren't "falling through the cracks"?

    2. How are you tracking your SLA response times so when a client says your response time sucks you can say "Well actually, we're responding 20% faster than SLA... let me show you these..."

    3. Reports. How are you generating reports supporting your SLAs?

    How are you keeping on top of your SLAs? Any and all feedback welcome.


    FYI - I posted this in the CommitCRM software forum instead of the IT Service Business forum because ideally I'd like to know how to accomplish this in conjunction with Commit, however separate solutions are always welcome.

    Re: Best Practice - Maintaining SLAs in CommitCRM (Workaround)

    I've been doing flat rate SLAs for many years. There is no effective way to do this in CommitCRM that I have found. We run a global contract assigned to their account, that's about as far as it goes.

    SLA wise, the ticket window needs to auto update with specific rules around how long before a ticket is answered, replied to, closed, last contact etc.

    Keen to hear how other people are doing it.


      Re: Best Practice - Maintaining SLAs in CommitCRM (Workaround)

      I would like to know what others are doing too. Anyone care to chime in here?

      Thanks in advance!



        Re: Best Practice - Maintaining SLAs in CommitCRM (Workaround)

        Unfortunately I don't believe there is any way to having a workable SLA model withCommitCRM. While reports might be helpful to see if you are reaching your SLA's their isn't anything that will alert you when a ticket needs to be closed soon or is past due. I think you would need to go with another product to get this ability.


          Re: Best Practice - Maintaining SLAs in CommitCRM (Workaround)

          We are currently working on adding the ability to have better visibility into age of tickets, how long ago the ticket was last updated, due date indication, and auto escalation of tickets based on SLA into our Interlink product. We already have auto refresh on the queue wallboard display in Interlink.

          If there are any features that you would like to see around this topic "Maintaining SLAs" please post or email me so that we can try and incorporate these ideas.



            Re: Best Practice - Maintaining SLAs in CommitCRM (Workaround)

            I am new toCommitCRM. Actually trying it out. Can you tell me about Interlink please?


            Feel free to email me offline at


              Re: Best Practice - Maintaining SLAs in CommitCRM (Workaround)


              Welcome to CommitCRM, let me know if you have any questions about the product. Also from someone who has been using CommitCRM for over 2 years their support rocks!!!

              The best place to learn about Interlink would be here

              Let me know if you have any specific questions.

              Best regards,



                Re: Best Practice - Maintaining SLAs in CommitCRM (Workaround)


                I have two questions.
                1) Do you have a trial edition?
                2) How soon will your bundle package be available (your site says "Comming Soon"

                Thank you!



                  Re: Best Practice - Maintaining SLAs in CommitCRM (Workaround)

                  seconded... we are also about ready to purchase your discounted package, and would like a demo now that we have our server setup and ready. (working now, ignore post in interlink forum)



                    Re: Best Practice - Maintaining SLAs in CommitCRM (Workaround)

                    +1 on the built-in SLA support. I will look at the Interlink Product as well though as a stop-gap.


                      Re: Best Practice - Maintaining SLAs in CommitCRM (Workaround)

                      Interlink 1.0.7 has been released with our new SLA Manager Module. Some screenshots are available here.

