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Service Management

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    Service Management

    Hey folks! I have a question on what you folks are doing about sevice managment/dispatcher management.

    We have been using ConnectWise for about 6 years. On their service board, it is easy to see if a technician missed an appointment because they have a Red arrow where they didn't put any time in. I can easily email them and ask them to update their time.

    I also can easily tell if my dispatch manager changed the status to "scheduled", but didn't actually schedule the ticket yet.

    As the owner of the company, is there a way for us to easily "spot check" on our employees?

    Thank you in advance for your assistance!


    Re: Service Management

    David, use the "Highlight Charged" button on the Dispatcher Window toolbar to highlight all appointments/visits that have been charged and that ones that haven't. This is based on creating a Charge record from the Appointment itself.
    The Dispatcher window only lists Tickets that are marked as "Show in the Dispatcher" and haven't been dispatched yet (regardless of the Ticket status, the 'Show in Dispatcher' is a separate indication). Therefore, if a Ticket is listed on the Dispatcher window, it is still waiting to be dispatched. As soon as the dispatcher drag/drop the Ticket into the Calendar and dispatch it to a technician the Ticket is automatically removed from the Dispatcher board.



      Re: Service Management


      That makes PERFECTsense... but what about tomorrow? Will the ticket go back to the dispatcher board or is it up to the tech to reschedule, and if so how do I view the ones that need to be rescheduled?


        Re: Service Management


        Please understand that I am new to CommitCRM so I may be making incorrect suggestions. I was wondering if there is a report that I could create that I could run a few times a day to get this type of information.

        Can you help me to understand what fields I could select for the report that would give me what I am looking for?



          Re: Service Management

          The Dispatcher window lists two type of entities: Tickets (from the Tickets module) and Appointments.
          Whenever you dispatch a Ticket (i.e. drag/drop it into the Calendar area) it is removed from the Calendar and an Appointment record is created with the Ticket/Account information.

          When visiting the Ticket record in the Tickets Window you will see this scheduled Appointment under the Pending tab of the Ticket.

          You can return a Ticket for dispatching simply by marking it as "Show in Dispatcher" (under the Details tab of the Ticket or by clicking the left most column in the Tickets list).

          You can learn more about it here.

          I'm not sure that a report is required as if a Ticket is not listed in the Dispatcher window it has been dispatched.

          Hope this helps.


            Re: Service Management

            I am not sure I am following. I may not be asking the question correctly. I think I follow what you are saying, but my concern is for when I have a technician scheduled for an appointment and for some reason they didn't make it. I need some way to KNOW that this happened so that I can manage the outcome.

            Is there a function within CommitCRM that will tell me that they missed their appointment (AKA, the didn't put any charges in for that scheduled appointment time)




              Re: Service Management

              There are several options for this, first, ask technicians to update the Calendars to reflect the actual time they arrive or plan to arrive to the customer.
              Also, if you use the option within RangerMSP to Charge Appointments (right click it and select to add a Charge based on the Appointment) then using the "Highlight Charged" will show you which Appointments have been charges and which haven't.

              Lastly if the technician reports that they will be late you can update the Calendar/Dispatcher window to reflect this.

              I don't see any other way for the system to know that the technician is late.



                Re: Service Management

                Dina and community,

                Let me further explain my concern, as you may have a good work around for this scenario.

                Let's say today that I schedule 50 to 75 tickets out to my employees. They all show their appointments in the pending section of the ticket.

                For one reason or another, each employee was not able to work on the last two tickets each.

                They are also employee's so they don't remember to reschedule themselves for those tickets nor do they remember to set the ticket to "Show on the dispatch board."

                What is the quickest way for me to identify those tickets that were missed from the previous day?




                  Re: Service Management

                  The main workflow should be to Complete the Tickets that your team has been working on and already resolved.
                  This way you always have the list of open Tickets in your main Tickets Window and these are the Tickets that still need attention.

                  The Dispatcher is not the place to look for open Tickets, the Dispatcher simply shows which Tickets need to be scheduled (and existing schedules).

                  Hope this makes sense and helps.


                    Re: Service Management


                    It certainly does make sense and thank you for your feedback. I am not certain my concern is getting across correctly though. Let me further explain.

                    My techs are scheduled for a ticket - sometimes they do not make it because they got stuck on a previous ticket for one reason or another.

                    My techs are also human, so the make mistakes and do not call the client to let them know that they will not make it to their ticket that day.

                    The next day when they come in to work, they have a new schedule already laid out for them and they forget about the ticket they didn't get to the day before.

                    I need a solution that will help me identify when that technician messed up. Can you help?



                      Re: Service Management

                      The only way I see, and it's nothing special, is to ask Technicians to Complete the Tickets they resolved.
                      Each morning (or at the end of the day) review all Open Tickets in the main Tickets window.
                      Each Ticket being reviewed needs to be resolved. If needed, mark it for dispatching.

                      In other words - as technicians will Complete Tickets they resolved the list of open Tickets shows everything that needs to be taken care of and nothing can fall between the cracks (unless your technicians will Complete Tickets that are still open..., but this is not the common case).

                      Hope this helps to make it clearer.


