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Changing Manger to the Assigned Employee

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    Changing Manger to the Assigned Employee

    When I look at the ticket list, I would like to see a column for the assigned employee. I do see the manager column, but when we assign an employee, it doesn't change that field to the assigned employee. I assume that is by design but was hoping for a workaround or another solution.


    Re: Changing Manger to the Assigned Employee

    Hi David,

    I'm not sure whether I'm 100% with you but I'll try - a Ticket has a Manager employee and when the Ticket is assigned to another employee (by changing the Ticket Manager field in the Tickets window) the new value is updated in the list of Tickets.

    In case you are referring to dispatching an on-site visit for the Ticket using the Dispatcher then this does not modify the Ticket Manager. A Ticket Manager is the employee globally assigned to the Ticket and responsible for it while many different technicians/employees can be assigned to Tasks and on-site visits (Appointments) under the very same Ticket. All such task-related assignments are visible when you click to see the Ticket Pending tab (They are also listed under the Ticket Preview tab).

    I hope this helps.


      Re: Changing Manger to the Assigned Employee


      I think you followed me very well. Thank you for your time.

