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Websites to block

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    Websites to block

    A few years ago I began blocking websites so employees would work more than play. It's not too serious to subscribe to a content filtering service, but we do have some specific sites listed.

    Besides facebook and myspace, what do you guys have blocked?

    Or are we the only ones blocking access!

    Re: Websites to block

    Our company isn't quite large enough to start implementing this. However, we have BEGGED most of our business customers to block sites because of their constant spyware battles. For some reason the owners always have the same answer, "Well, they only use it during their lunch hour and we can't control what they do then." Well, it's your equipment, not theirs and they are damaging it!!! It's like talking to a brick wall. Don't know why I'm complaining, more Revenue for us!


      Re: Websites to block

      Why not use OPENDNS.ORG?


        Re: Websites to block

        We started using open dns a few months ago. It blocks bad websites sure, but it doesn't necessarily block time wasters.


          Re: Websites to block

          We talk to our employees freely and have a careful balance between work and play. If you have employees constantly abusing this trust, then you need to ask yourself, should that employee be working for your company?

