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Print off the asset when printing receipt

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    Print off the asset when printing receipt

    Hi All,

    Just trying to work the demo on the CommitCRM software.

    I've copied the existing technician form and added a resolution field and i use that to print off and show to the customer. It acts as a receipt.

    I also want to show the asset on the form. I've got the Assets - Asset Code field in the report but nothing shows when you run the report. The ticket has an asset associated with it too.

    Any ideas?

    Re: Print off the asset when printing receipt

    Welcome! I just tested it and it worked and displayed the Asset Code.
    Please verify that the Report component field you selected to hold it is DbText and not DbMemo (DbMemo should only be used for memo related fields, like the Ticket Resolution you successfully added to the report layout). Then select the 'Asset - Asset Code' field again and give it another try.

    Hope this helps.


      Re: Print off the asset when printing receipt


      I just tried the default technician service form and even though the ticket has an asset assigned to it, when printing the form, no asset gets printed off.

      Am i doing something wrong with the ticket?

      Thanks again.


        Re: Print off the asset when printing receipt

        I just tested it again and it works...
        Please try the following:
        1. Open another Ticket and select and Asset to it, save and try to print.
        2. Try to print a System report and not a customized one you designed (if this is the case) - simply select a report in the list that does not have the '(custom)' text at the end of its name.

        Hope this helps.


          Re: Print off the asset when printing receipt

          For some reason it works now (both the custom report and the standard report).

          No idea why. Thanks.

