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Problem With Ticket Filters

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    Problem With Ticket Filters

    Hi Folks,

    I have a problem with using ticket filters that I hope you can fix or suggest a way around:

    I find the filter system very useful to work in groups of tickets based on their status, BUT here is the problem - the moment a user updates anything on a ticket that causes it's status to fall outside the filter criteria, the ticket "disappears" and is replaced by the next ticket in the queue.

    Most times there are a number of changes involved in updating a ticket - add charges, set status, add notes etc, and time after time I find that I set status to "completed", then go to fill something else in, only to find out that I am now working in another ticket!!

    Is there any way that a ticket can be "locked" into a list while it is open, and only be removed when the list is manually refreshed, or the ticket window is closed?



    Re: Problem With Ticket Filters

    Hi Lawrence,

    While I can see and understand what you describe what you actually ask for is to "break" the filter consistency.

    Having said that I can recommend two things that may help.

    First, based on your post if you'll add the Charges or notes the Ticket will still be listed as the Status hasn't been modified yet, then, keep the Ticket Status change to the end. Also note that the Ticket is re-evaluated in regards to the filter criteria once it is saved. So as long as you don't hit the Save button you're safe from having it evaluated again and risking that it won't match the filtering criteria and be removed from the list.

    Second, when you want to update a Ticket in the list and you know that it might go out of the filtering criteria, for example when you know that you're going to change the status, instead of updating this Ticket in this Tickets window select the Ticket in the list and hit Ctrl-W. This will open the selected Ticket details in a new window allowing you to update and save as much as you want - the Ticket will not be filtered in any way. The original Window with the filtered list of Tickets remains accessible and you can switch to it anytime.

    Hope this helps,

