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auto populating multiple email addresses in tickets --

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    auto populating multiple email addresses in tickets --

    Pretty sure this was brought up before but was unable to find the ticket...

    we are getting more and more failed emails from the CommitCRM connector because clients are adding multiple email addresses in their original email request and those users are responding to the original email. this also occurs when users it the "reply all" instead of the "reply" button (or they hit reply but add additional email addresses). Simply put, we are NEVER going to be able to re-train users to do it the CommitCRM way so something needs to happen at he CommitCRM level that allows it to handle these requests. Here is a possible solution:

    (1) the initial email that creates a new ticket should auto add ANY email addresses in the to or cc fields to the external recipients list... this is a must and will probably solve 95% of the errors we are seeing!

    (2) any subsequent communication (via email) that occurs with the [TKT-0500-1234] in the subject from someone already in the external recipient will check the to and cc fields and auto add any new email addresses in that communication to the external recipients list. This way if anyone adds someone to the communication in the middle of the ticket processing, we won't see any errors AND all they recipients will be able to communicate properly.

    thanks --


    Re: auto populating multiple email addresses in tickets --

    Ray, we have received other requests for this and it will be considered. Thanks for your feedback and the detailed information.



      Re: auto populating multiple email addresses in tickets --

      I think that way my post Ray ;)



        Re: auto populating multiple email addresses in tickets --

        just wanted to re-ping this (even if it has only been 12 days) as we had a HUGE debacle today because 4 people were "cc-ing" and "to-ing" each other about a specific issue... we ended up with about 7 different tickets with varying information in each about the problem... users just don't understand why they can't hit "reply all" and get it to work properly (that's how everyone does it). we spent a bunch of time manually pulling things back together and getting everyone on the same communications thread... on a side note, it's a good thought but the ticket merge feature as it is is not really usable in a production environment (it's easier and safer to manually combine and close duplicate tickets).

        getting the email connector to auto-add all email addresses as external recipients in the TO and CC fields is my #1 request... that said, while we are mucking around with the email connector, also getting it to prioritize the messages as low, normal and high based on the importance flag would be a sweet addition... (!)




          Re: auto populating multiple email addresses in tickets --

          just wanted to check on the status of this and see if the problem is on the "fix-it" road map... the issue of multiple people CC-ing and replying to an email is causing us grief --new tickets are constantly being opened for the same issue. This is not something where we can "train the end users" -- it NEEDS to be fixed at the email connector level.

          thanks --



            Re: auto populating multiple email addresses in tickets --

            Yes. It is :-)


              Re: auto populating multiple email addresses in tickets --

              Yeah, I would second this. We are starting to rely very heavily on the email connector.

              ...and some visual notification (in CommitCRM app) of new inbox email would be make my day too. :)


                Re: auto populating multiple email addresses in tickets --



