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Sub Contract Invoicing using QBW

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    Sub Contract Invoicing using QBW


    I do Sub Contracting for serveral company, whereas I service their clients and invoice them a discounted rate. I prefer to keep the end users account separate so I can develope a history. I also do Repairs for the Reseller and therefore have and account for them. When I try to invoice the work done for the end user to the Reseller, CommitCRM wont let me invoice the resellers account advising me the account already exits as a customer. Is there a way to acknowledge this and continue to create the invoice?

    Or how would this be accomplished using an alternate method?


    Re: Sub Contract Invoicing using QBW

    When invoicing from RangerMSP to QuickBooks the Charges entered into RangerMSP are transferred into the Invoice as Invoice Lines.

    Charges in RangerMSP are logged under an Account record. This Account record is link to the Customer record in QuickBooks.

    When Invoices are generated they are generated under the Customer record in QuickBooks linked to the one in RangerMSP.

    In other words - the Account in RangerMSP under which you enter the Charges is the Customer record in QuickBooks for the invoice.

    This all means that you should log Charges under your direct customers Accounts - i.e. - under the entities you invoice - the companies that send you the work and not the end user.

    You can open End Users as secondary Contacts under these Accounts and link each Ticket to them. This way - the Ticket (and thus Charges) will be linked to the Account of the company that actually pays you And they will also be linked to the End Users as you will select their secondary Contact record to the very same Tickets and Charges.

    I hope this helps.

