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Alerts to show external and internal resolution

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    Alerts to show external and internal resolution

    1. We use the Resolution field to have the text that will be reported to the client as part of their next invoice (external resolution)
    2. We also want the technician to summarize, for internal use, the technical steps they did to solve the problem (internal resolution).
    Obviously, the "internal resolution" can be handled by ticket's Detail or by a History or Charge record.

    However, I want the ticket alert emails to report to me both the "externa" and the "internal" resolution. Any ideas?

    Re: Alerts to show external and internal resolution

    Well, you can try to work with the Ticket Notes field/tab. By default customers do not see it in the Customer Web Portal and it is not included in the email alerts that are being sent to them automatically when the Ticket is closed (this is customized so make sure that the email template you selected to be used for this does not include the Ticket Notes field).

    Hope this helps.


      Re: Alerts to show external and internal resolution

      But getting the "internal resolution" in the alert to me was exactly what I wanted. Otherwise I have to guess whether the technician stored enough description of what they did (to serve as reference in the future). Now I get the alert, and frequently I have to then search for and open the ticket and then go to the Ticket Notes. Better to have an version of the note for internal use that had both types of information.
      It would be optimum to have a split Resolution and Internal (like in the Service tab of Accounts.
      Make me a wish list entry please.

