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How to Streamline Pricing

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    How to Streamline Pricing

    I am currently evaluating the software and am trying to see how I can streamline my pricing in the Accounts and Charges.

    Basically, I have classified my clients (not in CommitCRM yet) into Business, Residential and Seniors for the purpose of charging labour.
    I also have three different rates for my labour for each of these types of clients: on-site, remote and in-shop.

    When I add charges to the ticket, I realize that I am going to have to somehow select type of labour: on-site, remote or in-shop.
    I would like to avoid having to remember to add three customer pricing for 'fixed price items' for every account where each one represents a different type of labour.
    My preference would be to enter the pricing one time for each type of account - business: on-site, business: remote and business: in-shop and then the same technique for residential and seniors.
    Then, when creating an account I would select either business, residential or seniors and the correct pricing would be used when I add charges to the ticket.

    In any case, I am sure that this type of question has been asked before but I cannot seem to find a resolution.
    Can you please advise?

    Thank you very much.

    Re: How to Streamline Pricing

    The Custom-Pricing feature in RangerMSP does just that!

    Set up your pricing arrangement with the customer and never look at it again, the system will use the rates and settings (discounts/markups) you configured.

    You can also setup different Custom-Pricing settings to different Contracts/Projects of the same customer.

    Please check out the Custom-Pricing User Guide

    You can define Template Custom Pricing settings under your business Account and load the relevant set of settings to your customer Accounts based on their type.

    Hope this helps.

